
Need some potty training advice...

Ok, so Kathryn is doing FANTASTIC with potty training. ?Its been over 24 hours since she has had an accident, so YAY!But then there is my stubborn strong willed independent child...Kimberly. ?We know the issue is simply a CONTROL issue because we KNOW she can do it. ?She had the hang of it before Kathryn did, going potty all by herself, not having accidents etc. ?But, now that Kathryn is doing so well, Kimbelry has backtracked. ?She'll sit down in front of us and say "I go pee pee in my panties" like she's proud of it. ?Right now they get stickers and M&Ms for going potty. ?And they know if they can go ALL day without having an accident they get to go have McDonalds for dinner and they can play there. ?I asked the pedi the other day for some suggestions and we're trying those, but she's even getting to smart for us on those. ?The pedi suggested if she pees/poops in her panties to make her wear dirty panties until naptime or bedtime. ?(She said of course to clean out most of the poop, but don't give in to clean panties). ?Well, Kimberly will take hers off and go rinse them off when we're not looking. ?So, then we feel bad about making her put on SOPPING wet panties and give her new ones. ?(Although she just did it again and DH made her put those on too...naptime is in 20 minutes so she'll get a diaper at that time, we're not going to make her sit in a wet pair of panties for long).Anyway, this has gotten long but I'm running out of ideas. ?The only thing I can think of now is to take her to the store and let her pick out some special panties and maybe if I let her do that maybe she will try harder NOT to pee in them. ?But, I feel bad if I do that for her and not for Kathryn. ?I don't want to give in and put her back in diapers because I feel like that would be a HUGE step backwards since she has proven to us that she CAN do it. ?Any advice??

Re: Need some potty training advice...

  • No advice, sorry.  We're still dealing with my THREE year old DS - he wears big boy underpants, and always goes pee on the potty.  Its the Number 2 he refuses to do.  FRUSTRATING!  Anyway, sorry I have no advice, letting her pick out undies sounds like a good idea.

    Wait, maybe I do have something - you could try making a chart, and giving her a sticker (that she picks out), everytime she goes pee pee on the potty - and then say after 10 consecutive times she can pick out a toy at the dollar store or something!

  • It def. sounds like control issues.  I think the idea of going and getting her special panties is a great idea and one I told parents to do all the time when I was a preschool teacher.  They love picking them out and feel super special.  I had one parent who actually told her child that if they peed/pooped in her new underwear that they were throwing them out.  Mom said she had one accident and when they threw the underwear out she never had another accident bc she didn't want her special underwear to be thrown out. 

    Good luck and I am so proud of you for not just returning to diapers!

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  • Skyla did this backtrack a little while ago. Since it was totally on purpose she was told a consequence will happen the next time you pee on purpose in your panties. The consequences are: time out, a baby being placed high in her closet until the following morning, no treats after dinner.

    We had to make a distinguished ?difference between accidents and purpose. Accidents are "okay" and don't worry about it, they happen. She gets embarrassed if she peed on her bed or didn't quite make it with diarrhea. On purpose is "not okay", you need to pee in the potty, just like you know how and now your baby is going high in the closet because you peed on purpose.?

    Good luck!!?

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