I know this was probably not your intention, but you seriously made me laugh and I wanted to thank you- I needed that!
Not saying this to be a jackass at all! Just wanted to tell you you put a smile on my face.
I really hope my daughter shares no other qualities with Elvis than that she started out cosleeping (and maybe that she has plenty of money as well).
Re: Isabella T- your elvis comment
Well, if for nothing else, I'm glad I made you smile ;-)
I didn't say it to be funny, but Elvis (when studied from a psychological perspective) had many sleep issues that doctors attribute to his early, highly dysfunctional relationship with his mother. One of the reasons was due to their extreme poverty.. a second reason being his father's imprisonment.
I only posted my reply to illustrate that co-sleeping can have adverse consequences. I definitely did not mean to imply that you or your family was heading down the same path. I apologize if that's how my post came across.
I didn't take it that way, no need to apologize!
I can see how Elvis's psycho mom co-sleeping with him did him no favors. Interesting character!