
How quickly did you progress w/ Pitocin?

Married since 8.17.03
Mom to Richard 7.24.05, Ava 3.27.08, Isabella 5.19.09 & Timothy 10.22.14

Re: How quickly did you progress w/ Pitocin?

  • Water broke at 5 am

    Got Pitocin at 12 pm

    Started pushing just before 3 pm

    Baby was born at 4:09 pm

  • I went from 3cm to 4cm in an hour and 4cm to 10 and ready to push in 25 minutes. I know that's rare.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • For me, it was VERY quick.  I was not dilated at all when I went in.  I was started on Pitocin around 9am and was fully dilated by 1pm.  They didn't have me start pushing right away b/c my doc was in surgery.  I ended up pushing for about 45 minutes and R was born a little before 3pm. 

  • I didn't.

    After 8 hours of contractions that I really couldn't feel, I had still not effaced or dilated at all. (8 days late) I had a c/s.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • They gave me the pitocin slowly - started with a low dose and then continously up'ed it (as nothing was really happening), so it could have been faster than this.

     Water broke at 1am.  Got Pitocin at 1pm.  Started pushing around 9:30ish and he was born at 10:30ish.

  • Baby #1 - I got hooked up to Pitocin around 9am, she was born at 7:41pm

    Baby #2 - I got hooked up to Pitocin at 7:30am, he was born at 12:38pm

  • Quick, but it was hard. I rec'd at 6pm, contractions started at 6:30pm, DD was born at 10:16pm. Less than 4 hours of labor. I also didn't have an epi, so maybe that's why it was fast.
  • water broke at 6 pm.  not dialated at all, not even a finger tip.  got pitocin at around 9 pm.  started pushing around 1 am.  had G at 1:34 am. 
  • I was on pitocin both times because my contractions were irregular and not strong enough.

    First time I was induced - overdue and no progress at all. I got pitocin around 6am and was 10 cm by about 12pm, but he was too high so I waited another 3 hours before I started pushing, pushed for an hour.

    Second time my water broke on its own and I got pitocin around 12pm. Started pushing 4:45pm, he was born 15 minutes later. 


  • Water broke at 5am.  Got pitocin around 8am.  Started pushing at 3pm.  Had DS at 5:12pm.  I was 4cm when I got to the hospital and they just gave me slow slow drip of pitocin to kick start my contractions since I wasn't having any. 
    Liam is 5!
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  • Water broke at 6am...was only Pitocin at 9:30 stayed at 1cm from 9:30 till 12:30 went from 1cm to fully dilated in one hour (by 1:30) started pushing at 1:45 DS was born at 2:09.
    Grant Thomas 8.8.06 and Reid Alexander 8.11.08
  • pitocin at 6 born at 11:12 am

  • started pitocin at 7am... got epi at 7:30am... was not fully dilated until midnight.  pushed for 1 hour 40 min and DS was born.
  • I got Pitocin w/ #2--total time on Pitocin until birth was probably 5 hours.
    AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy... imageDesigning a Life Blog
  • Started pitocin at 2am at 1.5cm.

    At 4cm at 8ish - broke my water, called for my epi.

    At 9.5cm by 9:30 (before epi, but they didn't check me)

    DD#1 was born at 12:15 but they had to turn off the pitocin at 9:30 b/c her heart rate kept crashing.  Then they had an emergency c/s in the room next door (same doc). (They were prepping me for a c/s b/c of the trouble with the heart rate, but it would recover if they turned the pit off.)  When they came back a little after 12 she was past my cervix.  I pushed three times for less than 10 minutes. 

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