How did it effect your Labor and Delivery? Was your DC taken immediately for testing?
I was negative with DD1 and I'm positive this time and I'm just wondering how things are going to play out. I know I will have to have antibiotics but will anything else happen? Will they test the baby right away? If so, will they take her from the room?
Re: If you were GBS positive..
Ditto the others ... nothing different other than an IV of antibiotics.
this. ?i was to bbs - with DD and + with DS?
I was GBS positive with babies #3 & #4. With baby #3, they didn't have time to give me all of the IV antibiotics before she was born, so they had to run special bloodwork on her & she could not be released from the hospital before the results were in & they were clear. She also had to be retested further down the road for the GBS. With baby #4, I was induced, so they started the antibiotics right away & things were fine. I was still able to hold both babies right after birth, though.
Like other posters said, the only impact on L&D was the IV antibiotics.
With DD#1, I got there in time, and all was fine. No testing necessary.
With DD#2, my labor was super fast, and I wasn't on the antibiotics long enough. They kept us in the hospital an extra night so they could 'grow cultures'. Again, all was fine.
Good luck!