
If you were GBS positive..

How did it effect your Labor and Delivery?  Was your DC taken immediately for testing?

I was negative with DD1 and I'm positive this time and I'm just wondering how things are going to play out.  I know I will have to have antibiotics but will anything else happen?  Will they test the baby right away?  If so, will they take her from the room?

Re: If you were GBS positive..

  • They laid the baby right on my chest.  It all went the same as with #1 except that I had antibiotics.
  • I was GBS pos both times.  Neither time effected my L&D in any way except I had to get antibiotics during labor.  If you get the 4 hours of antibiotics before you have the baby they don't need any testing or anything.  No worries--it is so not a big deal.
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  • I was positive with #2. I just had an IV of antibiotics during L/D. No biggie.
  • Ditto the others ... nothing different other than an IV of antibiotics. 

  • imagemamarazzi:
    They laid the baby right on my chest.? It all went the same as with #1 except that I had antibiotics.


    this. ?i was to bbs - with DD and + with DS?

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  • I was GBS positive with babies #3 & #4.  With baby #3, they didn't have time to give me all of the IV antibiotics before she was born, so they had to run special bloodwork on her & she could not be released from the hospital before the results were in & they were clear.  She also had to be retested further down the road for the GBS.  With baby #4, I was induced, so they started the antibiotics right away & things were fine.  I was still able to hold both babies right after birth, though.


  • I was positive w/ both boys- had a 6-hr labor w/DS #1, got the iv abx, and that was it. With DS#2 my contractions started and by the time we got to the hosp 1 hour later, I was ready to push him out; they never even got an IV in me and I was delivered by a fellow resident as the in-house OB didn't even make it into the room; DS was laid right on my chest, but after about an hour, he had to spend a few hours under obs in the newborn nursery; we also has to stay the full 48 hours post-delivery. But since my water broke as I walked into the hospital and I pushed him right out, there was little concern for infection since he didn't really have time to get colonized (or so said the ped).
  • the only thing that is different is that they give you antibiotics once you are in active labor... and you have to get the antibiotics asap if your water breaks , otherwise everything else is exactly the same! baby was not taken away for testing at all... put on me , weighed, cleaned, and right back to me to nurse!
    mila belle 3.26.07 and isla leighton 5.12.09 image mila belle aka mimi and belle and miss isla aka ileigh : ) pregnancy calendar
  • REOMREOM member

    Like other posters said, the only impact on L&D was the IV antibiotics.

    With DD#1, I got there in time, and all was fine. No testing necessary.

    With DD#2, my labor was super fast, and I wasn't on the antibiotics long enough. They kept us in the hospital an extra night so they could 'grow cultures'. Again, all was fine.

    Good luck!

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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