
how much does your newborn eat?

My LOs get about 3 oz every 3 hrs and a little more at night (to try and get a little sleep).  Is this too much?  The dr said feed them whatever they want / whatever they'll take when they want it (they gained weight very well following their homecoming so he wasnt too concerned).  What do you think?
TTC#1 since Feb 07 with PCOS and mild MFI
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart) Our first love and loss 7/2/07

3 cycles clomid TI = BFNs
3 cycles clomid Ovidrel IUI = BFNs
6/27/08 Surprise BFP = chemical pg
IVF#1 July 08 BFP @7dp3dt
TTC #3 since February 2010
FET Sept. and Oct. 2010=BFN's
IVF#2 June 2011=BFP

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Re: how much does your newborn eat?

  • In those early weeks, mine ate anywhere from 1.5 to 5(!!) oz at a feeding, so that sounds about right. As long asyou're not coaxing them to drink that much, you should be good!

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I was gonna ask this too!! One of mine will do almost 3 one feeding, 3 the next and a few times shes has done 4. The other is only 4lbs 8oz so she takes 2 maybe a little less. I think yours are doing great!! I'll be curious to see what others say.


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  • Ours are at 2.5oz per feeding. They eat every 3 hours around the clock per pediatrician's instructions (they were born at 35w4d and spent 8 days in the NICU so they're trying to plump them up - though they gained 13oz each in 6 days since coming home so I guess it's working!) Now that they're starting to take this consistently, we'll probably bump them up to 3oz in the next day or two.
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