From about 8 weeks on, my DD has been a really great sleeper. For months now, she has slept thru the night (7:30pm-6am). Then she turned one and everything changed. Now she wakes up at least once a night. She's usually hungry. I feed her a bottle and she goes back to sleep. I'm assuming it's a growth spurt, but I guess looking back, this seemed to start right at the same time that we took bottles away during the day (although, she never asks for more food/milk during the day... she seems content). Anyone else go through this? Is this a normal time for her to doing this? Any suggestions? And please tell me that I'll get my angel sleeper back! Thanks!
I have no idea but just wanted to say that I am experiencing the same situation with my DD who is the same age as your DD. I'm praying it's just a phase!
I'm going through the same thing with my almost 8 month old. He slept great from like 5 weeks til 6 months and then everything went to hell. He is now only getting up once a night but I'm ready for him to sttn again. I don't really have any suggestions except let it run it's course. I hope they both start sleeping for us soon!
Re: I want my good sleeper back! Help?