

Are you wanting info about a website or a blog?

Re: mamarazzi

  • Website.  I have a blog now, but I plan on starting a site in the next few months.  I think you just have a blog now, right?  Are you getting full-on photography website or just a more secure blog?  Are you using a template or having a designer put one together for you?


    Thanks for letting me pick your brain! 

  • Yes, I just have my blog right now, which I'm trying to update as soon as soon as possible.  Hopefully, I can get it up by next week.  We'll see.  I purchased a template for a website this past winter, but lots pregnancy sickness kept me from getting it up and running.  Hopefully, soon.  There is just too much to do!

    I purchased my template from Blu Domain, but there are lots of them out there.  Some that I know of (and hopefully all the links work):

    big folio
    blu domain
    creative motion designs
    winklet web desings

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