My sister was telling me about her friend who was let go from her temp job about a month ago b/c she "didn't fit in." She was just going to stay home with her dd for a while and got a call for another (really good) job at a company she had interviewed for before. I go to temp places and get n.o.t.h.i.n.g. It always seems like I'm just wasting my time. But, then there are people like her who seem to always get placed through the agency. I don't get it. It's frustrating.
Re: NPR: Temp. agencies- what gives?
How are your secretarial skills? (typing, etc).
Have you had your resume reviewed by anyone? I wonder if it could be imrproved. Maybe that's the issue?
My typing skills are pretty good. That was a big part of my last job. I don't know what my wpm are now ... need to check that. I took calls so I have great phone etiquette and experience with routing calls, etc. It's been years -- prob. since breaks in college -- since I actually did strictly office work.
I'm sure my resume could be spruced up some. I try to keep diff. formats and restructure it based on diff. positions (functional v. chronological). I know a couple of people who work in HR so I think I'll run it by them.
I'm not sure what the deal is, but that sucks. I got very lucky when I temped. The first time I got hired by the company I temped for, the second time was a long gig but I ended up quitting, and the third time was at my current company, which obviously hired me.
I hope you catch a break, and SOON!
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church