
Does your 2.5yo answer yes or no q's?

My ds doesn't answer these for me. For instance I will ask him "Is it raining outside?" or "Would you like some more pasta?" He repeats the question after me and doesn't answer yes or no. Same with his name. He will not answer his name when I ask him what it is. He refers to himself in the third person. He has plenty of words now but they were a little late in coming also...maybe at 19mo+.

Also, when I take him outside he will not stay beside me. He will run in the opposite direction. I need to hold his hand to keep him beside me. He will totally ignore me and my dh when we ask him to come back to us. I guess I just want a little reassurance that he is just a little delayed and nothing else.

 Thanks for any and all feedback you might have for me.

Re: Does your 2.5yo answer yes or no q's?

  • My 2.5 DS does answer yes or no questions and he will stay with me when I ask him to.  That's not to say he never runs off, but generally speaking, I can tell him he needs to stay by mama when necessary and he will do it. 

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  • My son is 3 but at 2.5 he would run away from me.  He's just getting good at that now.  As for the yes/no questions, he was pretty good, but again only now does he do it all the time. He was a late talker as well.
  • Gracie answers yes or no to things and she is 2.  She will ignore us sometimes but she does it on purpose.
  • My daughter answers yes or no questions. Up until about a month ago, she always referred to herself in third person or asked for things the way we ask her. Instead of saying "I want crackers" she'd say "you want crackers?" Just recently she's started saying things like "I love crackers" or "I don't want night night yet." As far as listening to me and following directions, it seems to be on her own terms. She understands. If she doesn't want to hold my hand, she'll throw a fit or go limp. That's fun. 

    She's not quite 2.5. She was born 12/11/06 

  • He does answer yes/no questions sometimes. I've actually been working on modeling answering questions for him. He often just repeats what I just asked him.

    He's pretty good at staying beside me. If he's really tired he gets more defiant and will run away from me, but generally he doesn't do that.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Wow, I'm a little anxious now after all your responses. I am new to this area so don't have a pedi I could take him to for an evaluation. I guess I need to work on that fast.
  • Yes, he does answer yes and no questions.  Like this morning I asked him if he slept okay and he said yes.  But he won't stay with us and will run off.  He will stop but only after the 100th time we ask him to.  We hold him or we hold his hand in the parking lot which he hates and struggles to get loose. 
    Liam is 5!
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  • She answers questions.

    She also refers to herself by her name, I think this is normal, she is 2.25.

  • My ds is almost 2 and will answer us yes or no (as long as he understands the question). If we say where is 'insert name here' he will point to himself and smile.
  • Yes she does answer yes or no questions.

    Staying by us when we are outside is not an option. We have worked on it since she was small. In a parking lot she puts her hand on the car and does not remove it until she is holding and adults hand. If she walks too far from us we yell freeze and she does so instantly. It took a lot of coming inside or loosing privledges to ingrain these rules, but this is a safety issue and something we are very very serious about.

  • Preston just turned 2.5 and he does answer yes and no questions (with the correct answer). He has always been good at staying beside me (in a store, out in a parking lot, etc.), but like another pp said, that doesn't mean that "never" goes off on his own. He is strong willed and extremely independent, so he can get a stubborn moment every now and then.

    As for third person talking. Preston does this all the time. For example while we are driving home he will say "going back to Preston's house?". He does this alot, but I just think he is too young yet to understand the me, you, my, I, etc.

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