
I need a reality check on travel

So here's the situation.  I'm due in mid October with baby #3.  DH's stepsister is getting married in Florida on December 19.  He is very close with her and very much wants us all to go to the wedding.  Here's what DH has in mind.  Fly down to Florida with all three kids (two-2 year olds and one -2 month old) on Dec 18th, stay at his father's house, go to the wedding, stay at his father's for two more days, then drive two hours away to his mother's house where we would spend Christmas, fly home the day after Christmas. 

I get along really well with him family, but the last time we were there for Christmas was before the girls were born, and it was the most excessive Christmas I've ever seen, mainly in grandparent gifts to his nephews. His nephews (7 and 8) at the time literally got bored before they opened all their gifts, and had to be forced to finish opening gifts by their mother.  It seems like a logistical nightmare to me to have a newborn and two two year olds traveling around the state of Florida, and I'm also dreading dealing with the excessive Christmas, and then trying to get all that stuff back home. 

At the same point, I like that DH wants the family to attend his step sister's wedding, and I want to support that and the idea of having Christmas with his family.  So I could use some opinions.  Is this trip doable?  Any advice on how to make it better?


Re: I need a reality check on travel

  • Since you say he is close to sister and you wouldn't mind Christmas with his family, I would go. I would just let them know far, far in advance that the logistics of traveling with three kids and all their gear means that you don't have the space or the ability to be taking tons of gifts home. Tell them that they can give each child one thing (or two, or however many you deem appropriate) or if they want to go overboard, they will be footing the bill to ship it all to your house after the fact. Seriously.
    Oh, and have fun. Florida is so nice in December :) Will you be in the Tampa area at all?
  • It's nice to be with family, but how do you feel about not being home for the 3rd babies first Christmas?  I'm a dork and like things like that, but then again at the same time, family is so important to me that I don't know waht I do.  In regards to the excessitivity, if you do go, you can totally use flying in your favor!  It is impossible to bring home a bunch of things and you can totally remind them of that.  Now, if his family is like my DH who do EVERYTHING in excess, that might not necessarily work.  But you know them best :)  I guess I really wasn't much help...sorry!
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  • I would probably do it because it does sound like a collectively fun week, but there are going to be 'those' hard moments you wish you were home.

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  • i'd just do it. it will be hard, probably, but it might be a lot of fun! i don't know, i like doing things like that. :)
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