Picture it, I'm trying to get Will ready for school so I can drop him off before heading to the lab with the cup of my husband's man-juice in the alotted time frame. I'm arguing with William over which shirt he wants to wear while my husband is spanking it two doors down to some internet porn.
After dropping Will off at school and cursing traffic, I make it, just in time.
I was terrified I would grab the bag with the specimen and take it to daycare, showing up to the lab with a bag of Captain Crunch.
Re: The Eagle Has Landed (One cup of sperm's Monday morning journey)
I just spit-taked (spit-took?) my coffee. You're way too awake for this early in the buttcrack of dawn.
Good luck with all this mess.
I am giggling hysterically at the idea of the Captain at the lab.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Liam is 5!
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man Juice .............