Voice has quit and found other work due to lack of anything to voice about. Says he'll only come back for a keg of Oberon. Bastage.
footnote - Oberon is yummy local beer. Every spring vendors clear their signage and just put "Oberon is here" and the peasants rejoice merrily.
Imagine if you will....
Saturday was Sam's birthday, she woke up and ran to us yelling "I'm FWEE yeaws old today!" "Grandma is making my green tinkerbell cake" (no, she's not). MP3 player was a major hit however she only likes Lollipop, I Want Candy, C is For Cookie (see a theme here?).... and the utter bastardization of perfectly good music as performed by Dora & Diego (insert visual of mother gagging). Played a lot, naps are now a thing of the past (moment of silence please). Yesterday, the fiasco known as party at in-laws went mostly ok until the "cakes" were brought out. They were covered in so much frosting that even the most voracious of children only ate half of one, but no harm done.
Bryan is sick. He's been nebulized once again. He is cheerful, took 3 steps Friday, is currently trying to poop diamonds to help the economy, however evil Mom and Dad bought prunes in hopes they will put him out of his misery. Otherwise, goodnatured and BryanDozer as usual.
Brett wrote (and the peasants rejoiced) some of his novel, fun was had. Kori got her first custom order for a fluffy *woot* but is also getting sick *boo* and because of a snoring Brett and a coughing-all-night-but-not-quite-enough-to-wake-himself-up-but-VERY-much-enough-to-wake-up-mommy Bryan, Kori only got 1.5hrs sleep and is ready to keel over.
And on the potty front - the evil Mom and Dad have told Sam that they are out of diapers and she has to wear underpants now. She has only had a damp diaper after an overnight, otherwise she is (Dare we think it?) potty trained.
Re: My Strange Children
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.