
MH just saw some lady's boob at the grocery store...

He was looking for some balsamic vinegar for me and looked over to see a woman walking toward him down the aisle.  She was wearing a tube top and one of her boobs was hanging out.  All the way out.  He first thought that maybe she was flashing him, but she seemed oblivious.  He says he quickly looked back at the vinegars and she passed by without a word.  As she walked away he saw her adjusting her shirt.  When he went to check out, she was in line behind him, but didn't act weird or embarrassed or anything!

I'd like to think if my whole boob had popped out of my shirt, I'd noticed.  I KNOW I'd be mortified if I thought anyone mightve witnessed the incident.

MH says this is the most surreal thing thats happened to him in a long long time (and no, he says it wasn't a boob he would've wanted to see). 

Re: MH just saw some lady's boob at the grocery store...

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