
Moms of boys, when to transfer to toddler bed?

DS will be 2.5 at the end of the month is nowhere NEAR ready for us to take the gate off of his crib and put on the rail.

I imagine I won't be able to keep him in a crib until he's 5, so when do you/did you make that switch?

He doesn't want to go to bed [usually], so we're thankful for the crib and that he doesn't know how to climb out of it yet.

Will something change in the next 6 months as far as his maturity?  You know, so we can reason with him a little and he'll stay in bed?



Me with my littlest.

Re: Moms of boys, when to transfer to toddler bed?

  • I'm interested because we're at the same age with DS and he's showing no interest in moving from the crib!
  • You know I don't have an answer for you, but the transition sounds horrible. I guarantee the boys will be over 3 before we switch them.
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  • My DS just turned 2.5 and I don't plan on transitioning him out of his crib until he's 3 unless something changes before then.  He's happy in there and he's a good sleeper now so I don't want to "fix what's not broken".  I know I have to do it at some point, but I'm not worrying about it for now. 
  • No answer for you, but our plan is to wait until 3 at the earliest unless he A) asks for a big boy bed before then, or B) potty trains and needs to be able to get out of bed on his own before then. I am envisioning having his "big boy room" be his 3rd birthday present....but we shall see.
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  • I thought the same thing about my DS, but we converted his crib to the toddler bed at 2 y/o and he did great!  We moved him to a big bed a couple months later and he still did great.  He learned early on that getting out of bed was not ok and he just accepted it.  Now he doesn't nap anymore so he crashes when bed time rolls around.
  • We had to move Evan at 19 months because he was climbing out. ?We tried the crib tent, and he hated it. ?At that point, it was either let him CIO in the crib with the tent or move him to a bed. ?It was a rough transition. ?I tried easing him into it by laying down with him, but that just became a bad habit, and we eventually had to let him cry in his room for a few days before he learned to just go to sleep without one of us in the bed. ?During those few days, he would get out of bed, but I had to keep a child lock on the door so he couldn't get out. ?Eventually he learned, and everything was fine. ?

    If your son is still sleeping well in the crib and it's easier for you to leave him there, then I wouldn't mess with it yet. ?I do know plenty of kids who have had an easy transition at that age or younger, though. ?Just depends on the child.?

  • We moved DS to a full size bed (what his crib converts to) just before he turned two.  He was starting to try to climb out of his crib, so that's why we made the move then.  We started out by putting the mattress on the floor, and DS did great with that, so after a few weeks, we put the bed together and put bed rails on it.  He has done much better than I ever thought he would!!  He will talk and play in his bed until he falls asleep, and when he wakes up in the morning, he gets out of bed and goes to the door to call to us and tell us he's awake.  I couldn't believe the transition went as smoothly as it did! 
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  • My DS #1 was 27 months when he moved to his toddler bed.  We had to because we needed the crib for DS #2.  He did really well with the transition, in fact better than we expected.  I was completely freaked out that he would fall out of the bed or get out of his bed and play and not go to sleep, etc. but nothing like that ever happened.  Once he was in bed, he usually stayed there.
  • L started in the big boy bed last Sunday. He will be 2 the end of next month.
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  • Hayden will be 3 on 4/29 and we just transistioned him to a twin bed about a month ago. When we put him to bed at night, he usually comes back out into the living room (where we are watching TV) several times before he actually stays in his bed for the night. Sometimes he makes it thorugh the night, but I'd say about 50% of the time, he ends up in our bed. There was no way he was ready at 2.5 (he's just barely ready now!).
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  • We just switched Jake a few (couple?) weeks ago, he LOVES his new bed. We never really had issues getting him to bed though in his crib, as long as we stuck to our routine.

    Also, we left Jake's crib up and put the toddler bed in the room, that way if he fought it or wouldn't stay in his bed we would just throw the mattress back in the crib and put him back in there.

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