L has had a runny nose & cough for a couple days, spiked a 103 fever last night so I took him to pedi after hours.
They did a check x-ray & RSV swab, both came back negative. Said it's just a cold & he'd be fine.
He has been extremely lethargic all day today (VERY unlike him -- even when sick) and his temp is still hovering around 102.5. I'm worried...more about his behavior than the temp. This is very strange territory for us. Even when he's really sick he's usually bouncing off the walls.
Re: Should I take him back in?
This is what I would do. Maybe it's because we have so many doctors in our family, but I call them instead of pulling my hair out in small patches. Heck, that's part of what they're there for.. to help assuage your fears.
We are in the same situation so I understand how you feel! I'm going to wait until tomorrow to see how DS is. I'm supposed to call them back if he still has a fever b/c this is his second round of antibiotics.
I would rotate Tylenol/Motrin (pedi told us give one and then 2 hours later give the other... just keep track of times and rememebr that T=4-6 hrs and M= 6-8 hrs). DS freaks with the cool bath and washclothes, but we've been doing the best we can to keep him cooled off (have teh AC on now to try to keep his room cooler). Just keep an eye on him to make sure he does'nt get above 104.
I'd call the pedi tomorrow just to be safe - and see how he's acting tomorrow. My DS is usually bouncing off the walls as well (even when sick) and has been pretty lethargic the last 2 days which concerns me as well. He's also never had a fever this high for this long so I think he's just wiped out.
Crossing my fingers for you that you wake up to a fever-free little guy!!