The boys are going to be in NICU for a while longer, so I have a hospital grade pump I am using right now. I am getting anywheres between 5-8 oz every time I pump. I am not breastfeeding the boys yet, so I am only pumping. Does this sound like a good amount to be getting EBP? They are not getting any milk right now. I am wondering if I will have enough milk to feed both boys, and was wanting some ideas of how much you pumped? TIA!
Re: Breastfeeding ?
I think 5-8 ounces per session at their age is FABULOUS!!! I was pumping maybe 1.5 ounces per breast at that point since my boys were also in the NICU (hospital grade pump). I never really got more than that, and as a result, had to switch to formula. My boys were only eating probably 2 ounces per bottle at that point too, so you'll have some to spare. I think you're off to a GREAT start!!!
5-8oz is GREAT for their age
just as a rule of thumb- try and pump every 2-3 hours for 20 min each time.