
Is this urgent care worthy?

WHY does stuff like this always happen on the weekend?

Drake was fine for most of the day, then about 4pm the poor guy started crying when he tried to poop. I didn't realize until then that he was so constipated, and I feel HORRIBLE about it. Anyway, it took him several hours to finally go, but he got it out. What's really bothering me is that he started running a fever (101 in the underarm) when he was working on the poop, and it's been a few hours since it passed and he still has a fever. 

We gave him tylenol before bed, and I snuck in and measured his temp about an hour after the tylenol, and it's still about 101.  We've been really lucky with him and he's never had a fever before, so I'm freaking out a bit. Our other guy has had a few low-grade fevers, and he's always been really sick when he had them (nearly ruptured ear drum, RSV, roseola).

Thanks, ladies.

Re: Is this urgent care worthy?

  • nevermind.... I just checked his temp again and it's down to 99.5. We're climbing into bed and hoping he wakes up feeling normal.
  • Good luck hope he is better soon.
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    Try not to worry too much.  My pedi has told me several times not to worry about a fever until it is (and you wont believe this)  104-105.  I told him that was crazy and that I would be calling or coming in for a fever over 103.  He said that babies/toddlers can handle a much higher fever than adults.  

    But, my rule of thumb personally and Im not a dr.  just a mother of 3 toddlers.  If the fever is low (under 101.5) I just give tylenol and recheck their temp. after an hour or so.  If the fever has come down even a slight bit I just make sure to recheck after a few hours and depending on what it is give another dose of tylenol and after 4-6hrs if it is still over 99.  

    If the fever is over 102 I keep that child with me in cool clothing (onsie) and put a cool cloth on their forehead, give a dose of tylenol and give cool water to drink.  I can feel their forehead/body and tell that they are still hot or not once its over 102.  I recheck temp. after an hour to check if it has gone down.  After 2 hrs if it hasnt gotten below 101 I give motrin.  (you can alternate tylenol and motrin every 2 hrs for a high fever)  I usually only do this if the fever hasnt come down a good bit.  

    For a fever over 103 I call pedi after I have given a dose of tylenol and given a luke warm bath, redressed in cool clothes.  The nurse on the phone will tell you if its only a fever to just give tylenol and monitor them.  (so, if there arent any other symptoms I sometimes dont call)  As long as the fever starts to come down and stays down they wont do anything until its way higher.  If the fever doesnt react to tylenol or motrin after several hours they may see you.  I have never had that happen.  

    I know my kids and they have never had a fever over 103 unless they have an ear infection.  So once that 103 fever I make up something like (they are pulling on their ears) when I call so they will have them seen.  My kids do not ever pull on their ears with an ear infection.  2 get really lethargic and  lay around on the floor, couch, bed, chair etc.  One gets super clingy and screams and cries when she is put down.  That behavior and the fever is what gives it away.  They have only had 2 each and I was right every time.  

    The only other time we have had fevers were for sinus infections or respiratory  infections.  But they also have runny noses, sounds of being congested in their chest, and coughing.  That with a fever will get you seen asap as well. 

    As for the mysterious low grade fevers its not worth a trip until it wont go away.  

    Sorry this got so long.  I hope your little one is much better now.    

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