I have been trying to teach my girls how to use a sippy cup, but they just don't get it! I have tried Avent's magic trainer?(or whatever it is called), Nubi that is rated 3+ months, Nuby straw cup (which is spill proof, so it is kind of weird). They just don't get it! They stick their tong out and refuse to suck (or they don't get the concept of tilting a cup). I mean maybe they are still too young, but if you have any tricks, please share!?
Re: Please recommend your sippy cup
they are still really young.
We didn't stat DS until around 7mos - and only with water and just to "play" with- never expected him to truly drink from it. eventually he started to - and that is when we added in formula into the sippy.
We started with the nuby b/c it's very nipple-like, similar to a regular bottle. My pedi does not consider it a "real" sippie- but good to transition with. Give 'em time - they'll get it.
My two use the nuby straw cups. From everything I have heard, from our OT, pedi, and others. Our OT helped us teach them to use a straw by taking a regular straw and putting it in water, placing a finger over the end so that the water is sucked up into the straw, place it in their mouth until they start to make a little suck and slowly release your finger so that they get the water. We couldn't use anything spill proof until they really got the sucking down. To make it spill proof you have to suck really hard. The first cups we were using were the take and toss cups with lids and straws. They definately aren't spill proof, but the kiddos can suck up the fluid easily. Your two are still little, but it is good to try and get them onto a cup. It is just something new and takes practice. I hope this all makes sense. Please just ask if you have any questions about it.
I didn't give mine a sippy until they were a year old & it still took awhile for them to catch on. ?The only ones they would drink from were/are the Born Free sippies. ?They're 2 years old now & still don't get how to drink from a straw.??Give them some time.
My girls liked the playtex first sipsters the best. But the thing that helped them get it the most was that DH and I sat in front of them and drank water out of the sippy cups. They watched us and figured out the tilt the cup thing.