So, I had my HPT ready to go the night before, so when I sprinted into the bathroom in the morning, I wouldn't be fumbling around with the damn wrapper that never seems to come off as easily when you're doing the peepee dance because your bladder is holding what seems like 30 gallons of fluid. I was prepared!
True to my luck, I didn't need to use the test (although I already had) because AF had already come. Booooooooooo!
Yes, I'm dissappointed, but my mother always taught me to look for the good in every situation. The silver lining to this, is that AF came ON TIME! This means, for me, that my body OVULATED (which it rarely does on its own) this month and that the meds (clomid/estrodiol) are WORKING!! WOOOOOO-HOOOOO!! At least I don't have to worry that I'm wasting time taking meds that don't even work for me. Ovulating is a BIG deal for me!
I will be continuing with the clomid this month and will have additional bloodwork done after a +OPK. Sure, this doesn't mean that I'm definitely getting pg this cycle, but I'm one step closer, and that's good enough for me right now!
Best of luck to all of you TTCers.........many a happy BD!!!
Re: I'm Out......but with a silver lining!
I'm with you & your mom. I was never so happy to get AF as I was 2 months ago when she finally came back after going off BCP in October!
Good luck in this next cycle!
Well you got to save a little money too by not having to POAS. I wish I could just wait until I'm late...sigh. But that is great that your body is cooperating. Good luck in your new cycle.