My brother and SIL aren't pregnant, but were talking about baby names they like. Their favorite boy name is Caden. I really had to hold back from making a comment. Why do so many people love this trendy name?! At least it's hypothetical.?
Also, maybe you *should* consider politely saying something if it would bother you this much. Not saying you hate it but just how popular/trendy the "aden" names are. They might not know! DH brought up Caden when we were looking for a name for DS #2 and he honestly had no idea that these names were popular. He just liked the way it sounded.
We don't actually know any Cadens, Bradens, Jadens, etc. One distant friend of mine has an Aidan. I don't think I would know how popular these names are if I hadn't been on these boards for several years. So, I've sort of fallen for the "these names are so popular!" thing even though for us, they really aren't.
This doesn't change the fact that these names may or may not suit your personal taste. But DH thought Caden sounded pretty original. LOL
I don't mind the -aden names in general. They really aren't that bad compared to some of the other horrible names I've seen. Aidan is actually our favorite name for a boy, and I feel like it has a little more "legitimacy" because it's a real Irish name with some history. We don't give a flip how popular it is... doesn't bother us at all . I mean, the same could be said for names like Olivia, Oliver, Isabella, etc. Those are all really trendy and overused IMO, but I still see consistently positive feedback for them on this board. Everyone has different taste.
I will admit that DH and both LOVE Caden, and it isn't really that popular in our area. It is only number 92 overall, and I don't think that is too popular. We are saving it if we ever have a boy, and I am not ashamed of it. If we start seeing tons of baby boys being named Caden around us, then we won't use it, but so far that hasn't happened.
I almost have to keep myself from cringing when I see these uber-trendy names being used, like the -adens for boys and the -abb-/-add-/-emm-/-ell- madness for girls. There is nothing inherenly wrong with most of the names, but in 20 years they are just going to scream "I was born in 200_!" They are the Jennifers, Heathers, Jasons (my dh's name), and Brandons of today. I know my naming style isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I also think people need to step outside the box a little and break trends a little. There are so many legitimate, good names out there that aren't getting the use and respect they desserve.
(Confession: I will almost always mark on name polls if I see trendy names. The only exception is when the other choices are ke8tyv or have uneek spellyngs.)
I rdislike that name too. When it is spelled Kaden/Kayden/Kaiden it is even worse.?I don't really understand why people like it, it sounds made up to me.?
No offense to anyone who is/will be using the name, but I think it's another one of those ridiculous, made up trendy names that will seem really dated in a year or two. Until recently, I wasn't even aware it was a real name.
TTC since 3-08
IVF # 1 Dec 2011 BFP
DD born at 31 weeks 6-24-12
Re: Caden
If it weren't for the "aden" trend, I would actually like this name.
Baking Blog
Also, maybe you *should* consider politely saying something if it would bother you this much. Not saying you hate it but just how popular/trendy the "aden" names are. They might not know! DH brought up Caden when we were looking for a name for DS #2 and he honestly had no idea that these names were popular. He just liked the way it sounded.
We don't actually know any Cadens, Bradens, Jadens, etc. One distant friend of mine has an Aidan. I don't think I would know how popular these names are if I hadn't been on these boards for several years. So, I've sort of fallen for the "these names are so popular!" thing even though for us, they really aren't.
This doesn't change the fact that these names may or may not suit your personal taste. But DH thought Caden sounded pretty original. LOL
Baking Blog
01.03.09 {MARRIED BIO}
Make a pregnancy ticker
Ditto- we even have some in the family.
I don't like it at all. The -ayden/-aden names are so popular that they're just obnoxious now.
I almost have to keep myself from cringing when I see these uber-trendy names being used, like the -adens for boys and the -abb-/-add-/-emm-/-ell- madness for girls. There is nothing inherenly wrong with most of the names, but in 20 years they are just going to scream "I was born in 200_!" They are the Jennifers, Heathers, Jasons (my dh's name), and Brandons of today. I know my naming style isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I also think people need to step outside the box a little and break trends a little. There are so many legitimate, good names out there that aren't getting the use and respect they desserve.
(Confession: I will almost always mark on name polls if I see trendy names. The only exception is when the other choices are ke8tyv or have uneek spellyngs.)
I rdislike that name too. When it is spelled Kaden/Kayden/Kaiden it is even worse.?I don't really understand why people like it, it sounds made up to me.?
FET #1 Dec 2013 BFN
FET # 2 Feb 2014 BFN
No more frosties
IVF #2. September 2014
PGD yielded 2 perfect 5d blasts
SET November 9, 2014
Nov 23, 2014. Another BFN
Not sure where to go from here.
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