My friend is 32 weeks and has GD. ?She has a C-Section scheduled for the end of May. ?Her Dr just realized that she is going to be on vacation the day she scheduled the C-section and needs to move it up a day. ?She won't do this however unless she does an amnio first to make sure the lungs are fully developed. ?My friend seems ok with this, but I think this sounds CRAZY. ?Why not just have another dr in the practice do the delivery on the original date rather than go through something as stressful as an amnio?! ?Does this sound right to you?
Claire Avery born at 32 weeks on 10/25/06
Keira Leigh born at 27 weeks on 4/29/08
Re: Does this sound right to you?
I'd have someone else do it rather than do an AMNIO.
1) an amnio comes with risks
2) it hurts!
My Blog
That sounds absolutely wrong and very unnecessary. The potential risk to her baby is not worth having a specific doctor on duty or having the c-section moved up a day. I would say no for sure.
I've known several women who had aminos done and it resulted in their baby dying. I wouldn't take the risk - esp. for something like that.
Personally, I'd have someone else do the c-section. That said, it's not unheard of for docs to do an amnio to check lung development. I had a friend who had 2, possibly 3, amnios before the baby was delivered. Seemed a little excessive to me, but she had lost a baby late in her previous pregnancy, so I'm guessing maybe the doc was erring on the side of caution.
I agree with Tricia. My MFM had to poke me 3 times for my amnio. Not fun.
1- an amnio is pretty standard before a c/s IF you have GD
HOWEVER, that's super weird that they are moving it up one guess is however that she was going to need thte amnio anyways so her OB decided to have this done while she was still intown in case she has to advise her to not have her c/s until after they can give her steriod shots for lung maturity, but I thought those shots were ineffective after 34 weeks....odd.
Grasping at straws here on why they are moving it up only one day.