
Maternity leave or give your notice?

Would you take your maternity leave or would you give your notice?  I'm talking if you weren't sure you would be coming back...would you decide while you were on maternity leave or would you just give your notice w/o taking the maternity leave in hopes that was the right decision for you?  I feel like I should wait until I'm out on maternity leave to make such a decision, but my boss has been persuading me into making this decision before I leave, in other words, no maternity leave, just quit now.  HR says I'm entitled to that time & that I can take the time & not have to pay it back, should I decide I'm not coming back...I honestly can't fathom coming back to work w/ an 8 wk old (not to mention, our 3rd kid).  I didn't go back to work until 14 wks w/ my daughter & I stayed home w/ my son until he was 15 mos.
Married since 8.17.03
Mom to Richard 7.24.05, Ava 3.27.08, Isabella 5.19.09 & Timothy 10.22.14

Re: Maternity leave or give your notice?

  • Definitely take the time and then give your notice, IMO. You are entitled to that time, and I don't think it's right of your boss to be pressuring you to make a decision now, you know?
    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • take paid maernity leave then quit
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  • if you are entitled to the leave (and i'm assuming some of it is paid?) and you do not have to pay it back if you decide not to return- why would you EVER quit??  Maternity benefits are hard to come by - and it's part of your benefits... why give that up?  Esp if you are not 100% sure you are going to quit after leave.... esp in this economy.... I don't see how there is even a decision to be made here- take your leave.
  • The things he was saying, I felt very uncomfortable...I just don't know if it was professional.  He goes, "if this helps you in your decision at all, you're about to go on warning."  Then he said, "you're going to have 3 kids, I just don't want to see you stressing yourself out."  Just totally trying to push me out the door....
    Married since 8.17.03
    Mom to Richard 7.24.05, Ava 3.27.08, Isabella 5.19.09 & Timothy 10.22.14

  • If I were to give my notice, do you think I should give it before I am scheduled to go back (after the 8 wks are up) or go back for a couple of weeks & then give my notice?  I guess it all depends on how I'm feeling more towards the 8 wk mark huh?
    Married since 8.17.03
    Mom to Richard 7.24.05, Ava 3.27.08, Isabella 5.19.09 & Timothy 10.22.14

  • If you have leave you've earned and can take it, not have to pay it back and give them sufficient notice then that's what I would do by all means. I would never let them convince me to quit and forego my pay. No way. I would just make sure you have all your ducks in a row.


  • imageRichardsmom_817:
    The things he was saying, I felt very uncomfortable...I just don't know if it was professional.  He goes, "if this helps you in your decision at all, you're about to go on warning."  Then he said, "you're going to have 3 kids, I just don't want to see you stressing yourself out."  Just totally trying to push me out the door....

    You need to report this to HR. Do NOT let him talk to you like this.... it is illlegal- period.  HR needs to have this on record - cover your as$ - do it on monday.

  • I agree you should report this to HR.  It is not right for your boss to be pressuring you at all in this decision.  Of course its easier for him if you quit now because then he can just hire someone new for your position and not have to find a temporary person.  But, that's not your problem.  You are entitled to your benefits, especially if HR has made it clear to you that this is a benefit that you have earned.  Your boss sounds unethical and I would report it to HR to cover yourself and to put him in his place.  Good luck with whatever you decide.

  • My last pregnancy I went on leave and decided I could not go back to work right away... so I didn't go until DS was 11 months old... HOWEVER, I think this is the reason why it was easy for them to target me and lay me off yesterday in our first round of company layoffs... I totally did not think this until today....I'm sure they felt why keep paying for her and these benefits when maybe she won't even come back....hmmm do I have a discrimination case here?
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