I feel so bad. They are 9 weeks old... 39 weeks gestationally and are weighing 6lbs.1oz. and 6lbs.8oz. My dad passed away last weekend so we've had a number of out of town visitors and we tried to follow all the rules about smokers, washing hands, keeping a blanket between baby and people, and not even letting alot of people hold them, but they still ended up with colds. I feel so bad for them. The doctor said there's not much to do except keep them upright, run the humidifier, use saline drops, and the bulb syringe. I hope this doesn't last long. The visiting nurse is coming Sunday so at least she'll be able to take a look at them.
Re: our boys are sick
I swear there must be a wave of colds going around again. I have left the house a total of 4 times since dd has been home and I managed to get a cold and I gave it to her. She was only 3 weeks old when she got it and it scared the crap out of me. Thankfully, she hasn't run a fever and she seems to be getting over it pretty quickly (she's been congested for about a week) I hope your boys get over it quickly too!
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07