
Day two of lay-off

Had breakfast outside with the kids on the deck.  Then got ready and picked up Joe at the job site and went to the dentist.  Then went to lunch with Joe, dropped him back off at the job site and the kids and I went to Sams.  Got home, unloaded groceries, marinated the ribs, made a salad, cut up the cantaloupe.  Rinsed the cocktail shrimp (Joey LOVES it!) and put that out. 

Did two loads of laundry (and still have sheets left --- jeebus!) and picked up everything in the house so I can just run through tomorrow morning with a vacuum.  Emptied and loaded the dishwasher.

My mom was laughing and said Joe is going to LOVE having me home.  Prepared/cooked dinner two nights in a row, house is clean, laundry is done, kids are wiped out from being outside all day. 

I'm lovin' life!  I hate that I have to go back to work on Monday.  I'm there until 04/29 and that is going to be a LONG two weeks!  :(

Re: Day two of lay-off

  • you are a domestic goddess!!
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • Good for you!

    I haven't been on much.  Are you still going nuts with the diet/exercise? 

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  • I really don't get that. ?When they did lay offs at my company, they gave people 5 weeks notice. ?Who really wants to be there for that long after they told you your job is gone.
  • Kap -- good out of the gate, not so great for stamina!  ;)

    mlm -- EXACTLY!  What the frick!?!?!


  • Oh, diet and exercise.  HA!  :)

    I'm still definitely watching what I'm eating (I type this as I'm sitting here drinking a beer!  OOPS!).  I am not exercising NEARLY as much as I was previously however still trying to do what I can to make sure I don't GAIN weight.

    I still hope to lose 30-40lbs before 06/18 (when I meet DONNIE EFFING WAHLBERG!) --- :)   This past couple of nights has been, well, a bit of a drinking fest.  (Joe is psyched that I'm in such a good mood --- I'm in such a good mood because I'm getting the EFF OUT OF CORPORATE!)  So I'm sure this will change by next week when I'm back in "stress" mode because of work.

  • Thanks for the update.  It is good to hear you are still doing well, even if yo uare not exercising yourself to death.

    I just joined WW to lose 20-30 lbs.  I realize I am going to have to starve myself because with my DH's schedule and 2 kids, exercise really just does not happen that often.

  • imagemlm1128:
    I really don't get that.  When they did lay offs at my company, they gave people 5 weeks notice.  Who really wants to be there for that long after they told you your job is gone.

    They told us three months in advance. You can imagine how much fun that was.


  • Way to go girl! Super productive!
  • 25 people including me got layed off yesterday and we all had to pack up right then and there and leave..
  • Yay for you!  I didn't realize you made a final decision.  It sounds like you feel really good about it.  Congrats!
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