Things are progressing, although I think a majority of the things I'm hearing only DH or I would understand. His ST said that's normal for kids who have such a delay for the annunciation to not completely be there, but we know what he's getting at.
Just in a week, I've heard:
Daddy (Dad-eeeeee)
Balloon (Bah-oon)
Please (eeeeeese)
Ball (Bah)
Hot (Ha)
Doggy (clear)
Casey (Ay-see)... our dog
Sadie - pretty clear, my IL's dog
Mom-Mom - can't I be Mommy?!
Thanks for sharing in my excitement!
Re: Remember my 27mo DS who just said his first word last week?
those sound perfectly perfect for his age- juney has a huge vocabulary, but there are lots of words that I need to translate to anyone else.
hooray! He just needed a push- think of all the words he is probably saying that you haven't even picked up on yet!
REALLY??? I think I'm going to hug you now, lol.
Matthew James 1/11/07
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
That is awesome!!!
Was it the speech therapy that helped? Or did he just decide he was ready?
yeah- and her words evolve, too- like they'll start out really weird, get really close to nrmal and then veer off into weirdy land a couple of months
they started out saying cack cack cack
a month later, they were saying fvck fvck fvck (can you imagine?)
and suddenly it turned to qvack qvack qvack ( sounded like dracula on a farm, right?)
and now, quack quack quack....
SO many of her words do this- they even change from correct to totally weird out of nowhere.
I am SO happy he is into the groove- good work!!
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
YEAH! That is great news. I am so happy for you and your little one. I hope he keeps thoes words comming.