
When I see people grouch about excessive punctuation

and how " using more than one exclaimation point doesn't make you any more excited than if you use just one..."

I think to myself, " self, that is a bunch of baloney."( I spell baloney like that in my head, and not bologna as dictated by Oscar Meyer- I am just that way.)

When I use one exclaimation point, it means I am feeling a phony to moderate sense of excitement in response to something.

When I use two, I am being genuine to very excited about something, or maybe particularly sincere or emphatic.

When I use 3-7 exclaimation points, I am super freaking excited, and likely jumping up and down.

When I use excessive ellipses, I mean to portray that I am either trailing off or considering something. I do both of these things excessively IRL, and therefore I reflect that in my posting.

using excessive commas is just something that I do b/c I am not that good at typing and my fingers just want to use that comma key. and often the shift key which makes for a lot of random capitalizations.

Is there anything else you want to know about me?

Do you wonder if this is in response to a recent post? it is not. I was just thinking about it right now.

Re: When I see people grouch about excessive punctuation

  • I, too, love excessive punctuation.  In college, I even had hamsters named for punctuation.  Your entire post is cracking me up and earns 5 stars!!!
  • I totally agree.  I posted my BFP yesterday and needless to say it contained many exclamation points. 

    I was really excited!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

  • I believe you are given a limited number of exclamation points to use in your life. When you use them all, you die.?

    Just sayin'.

  • If you're going to use excessive elippses, at least use them correctly -- three periods with a space before and after:

    Ex:  I wish I had won ... the lottery ... 

    Excessive commas can't be forgiven. Sorry.

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  • imageaugust06mom:

    If you're going to use excessive elippses, at least use them correctly -- three periods with a space before and after:

    Ex:  I wish I had won ... the lottery ... 

    Excessive commas can't be forgiven. Sorry.

    HA! And if you're going to correct grammar, make sure you spell ellipsis right!

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  • Exactly!

    I agree--I'm just too tired to get that excited at the moment. :-)

  • I freaking love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • imageaugust06mom:

    If you're going to use excessive elippses, at least use them correctly -- three periods with a space before and after:

    Ex:  I wish I had won ... the lottery ... 

    Excessive commas can't be forgiven. Sorry.

    HA! And if you're going to correct grammar, make sure you spell ellipsis right!

    Ha! Me too ( only I didn't realize it.)

    And excessive commas most certainly CAN be forgiven. You already forgave me and you don't even know it.

  • I love punctuation.

    Please see my response to 'Any weekend plans'.

    Yes, I was yelling and exclaiming.  I am freaking excited :P

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