I hate that I never know if things are normal or not! I assume it's totally normal to always feel something, right? I mean, most of the times I feel some kind of pressure - usually around the area near the base of my spine. My OB said it was normal and was most likely my spine being pushed back to accomodate my uterus (eeek!). But then I feel those occassional twitches and aches and shooting pains in my uterus, which I'm sure are normal but freak me out. But then if I felt nothing I would probably freak out too! How do you ever relax??!?!?
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Re: Are you always feeling SOMETHING when pg?
I would love the answer to that question. I am such a worrier now.
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Sometimes I would feel nothing (earlier) and freak out. ?Now I feel little things most of the time - pinching like a stomach muscle has been pulled, hip pain, shooting pains elsewhere, and most recently this extremely weird vibrating when my stomach 'growls' now because it's been pushed up.
I always ask DH (like he knows) if it's normal and I can't even begin to tell you how many times he's said, "Um...things are moving, babe." or "You're growing 2 PEOPLE in there...you've gotta make room."
Somehow, it has helped ease my mind. ?:)?