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Find a pic of yourself atleast 5 yrs ago...
cbk - copy the properties from wherever you have it, click on that tree thing by the smiley face and paste it in the URL
(I have to look for a pic now)
This is the best I could find. It's amazing what 15lbs can do.
lol maybe that was going too far back?
All I could find was my eng party pics and I don't even know what year it was but definitely more than 6 yrs
That's my bro
That was about 9 years ago. Damn I was skinny.
My wedding 04/04/04
three weeks after DH and I met.
Here's 15+ years ago. Me and DH at the prom.
(apparently I didn't get the memo yet about taming my Ukie eyebrows).
20 weeks pregnant with the triplets
2003 at a wedding. I was a blonde with big hair. My gosh we have aged since then
Here's me back in 02 or 03 I forget now.
Re: Ok, lets PIP - 5 yrs ago or more
This is the best I could find. It's amazing what 15lbs can do.
lol maybe that was going too far back?
All I could find was my eng party pics and I don't even know what year it was but definitely more than 6 yrs
That's my bro
That was about 9 years ago. Damn I was skinny.
My wedding 04/04/04
three weeks after DH and I met.
Here's 15+ years ago. Me and DH at the prom.
(apparently I didn't get the memo yet about taming my Ukie eyebrows).
20 weeks pregnant with the triplets
2003 at a wedding. I was a blonde with big hair. My gosh we have aged since then
Here's me back in 02 or 03 I forget now.