
Wow-rough night

I guess this is just good practice for when the baby comes in October, but geesh!

R went to bed at 7:30 last night and then woke up at 11pm and was screaming.  We tried turning her music on, rubbing her back, gave her some tylenol, nothing would calm her down.  I finally brought her into our room and even in our bed, she would not settle.  Finally at 1 am, I put her back in her room with the portable DVD player.  She seemed OK, but at 2:30 she was still awake and started screaming again.

I didn't think there was anything I could, we let her cry and about half an hour later (around 3am) she finally was quiet.  I assume she fell asleep.  And, was up at 6am this morning!

OMG!  She's uber cranky, but just will not settle!  We had planned on going to the zoo today because it's going to be so nice out, I just don't think it's going to happen.  Mommy only got 3 hours of sleep and is just as cranky as the sleep deprived toddler. 

Sorry, just venting.  I really have no idea what was/is wrong.  She never does this.  Nightmares, maybe?

Re: Wow-rough night

  • Sorry you had a rough night. M was doing this awhile ago she had an ear infection, she never had a fever or anything. I hope tonight is better for you.
    Matt and Krystal 9-18-05
    DD 1/29/07 -

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Does she have all her 2 year molars yet?  They wreaked total havoc on Samantha on & off for a couple months. 


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  • I don't think it's her molars, they all broke through about 2 months ago.  But, I had given her tylenol anyway, thinking maybe she was uncomfortable from something, but it didn't seem to help.

    Who knows...I just hope she takes a nap and wakes up in a better mood!

    (And, I get to work the next 2 nights, so if she's's all DH.  Yikes!)

  • Jacob was up most of the night coughing. So he is super-cranky today, and the dr isn't available until 4:30. I was so hoping to get some medicine so he'd take a nice nap this afternoon, but I already put him down b/c NOTHING was making him happy and he's just exhausted. All the kids at daycare have something, so it's no wonder he picked it up. I'm right there with ya!
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