
~preemie parent~

Just wondering how O's walking is going? Are you going crazy yet?

I haven't seen a lot of you lately and I keep thinking you must be chasing O.

Re: ~preemie parent~

  • Hi Tricia -

    Thanks for thinking of us. Yes Olivia is a walking machine.  She's getting pretty fast.  Of course now that she's back on the oxygen we have lots of frustrated moments when the cord gets stuck on something.   Now she insists of walking out the door to the car - it's pretty darn cute.  

    I've had extra work the past few weeks so I've been more busy with that than anything else.  And my husband is turning 40 tomorrow so I've been spending WAY too much time trying to put a photo book together.   I seriously get to the end of the day and wonder what the heck I got done.

    How is Robbie doing?  Any progress with the reflux/eating?   I have def. been thinking about you guys as I read through some info on the blenderized diet.   I'm hoping to perhaps start it next week so I'll let you know how it goes.     It might help with calories/reflux down the road.   At least that's what I'm hoping for :)

  • Ugh.. I bet the oxygen cord is a PITA. But how cute about going to the car. The girl has some shopping to do!

    I guess lots of work is probably a mixed bag.. good to be busy, but enough going on.
    Where are you making the photo book?

    I made one for Robbie's first 6 months that we gave to our families for Christmas. I made it at shutterfly and they turned out terrific. I'm going to make another for his first b-day. (Which is 6 weeks away! HOLY ***!)


    Robbie's okay. He had a bad, bad, bad flare up last week. We ended up increasing his prevacid from 1/2 tab to 3/4 tab twice a day.. that stopped the incessant screaming, but he was still writhing. So most of the weekend I actually gave him a whole tab twice a day a few times. That finally seemed to get on top of it. Today we added carafate again.

    We actually had an upper GI yesterday to make sure the hernia wasnt' back AGAIN, that's how bad the reflux was.. but fortunately it's not.
    The radiologist commented that his gastric emptying was really good (surprised me) and his fundo looked good, but he was refluxing through it a lot (duh.)

    It's been a week of 3 and 4 clothing changes a day. I'm sick of puke, laundry and most of all, Robbie being in pain.

    He does seem a lot more comfortable the last 2 days, though.. He cries a bit when he pukes, but it's more of that "oh ***, I'm gonna puke" cry not the "oh ***, my insides are burning alive" cry.

    I hope the blenderized thing goes well. Like I said in your other post, the little bit of solid food I'm able to get into Robbie doesn't come back on us.. so hopefully it's the answer.

    Off to bed..


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  • Poor Robbie - at least the hernia didn't come back.   Maybe it was something in the water - Olivia's reflux got bad last week too.

    I was going to do the photobook on Shutterfly but I didn't get all of it ready in time.  I had to scan like 100 pictures (which took for-ev-er) and then figure out how to put them all together.   I want it to be a suprise so I had to do it whenever my husband was out doing something.  So instead I'm doing it myself.   I'm close to down so I should be good for Sunday when we are having his party.

    I hope Robbie starts to feel even better.   And quick! 

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