
Best bottles for gas?

Dr. Brown's? Playtex Drop-Ins? Another brand/kind?

Also, any other tricks that have worked for your babies? Gripe Water? Mylicon? 

Thank you! :) 

Re: Best bottles for gas?

  • My first DS was SUPER gassy - I mean, bad - once we started using Dr. Browns he was so much better (still gassy, but nowhere NEAR what he was).  So, we used them with the twins and never had a problem.  There are a lot of parts though, so if you plan on handwashing, its a pain.  We use the dishwasher so its not a big deal.

     We used Gripe water as well for DS - ordered a whole bunch of it for the twins but never used it.  :(  Kinda expensive, at least the brand we used - the name is escaping me right now, sorry!

  • We've had lots of success with the drop-ins, esp. with the slow-flow nipples.  Mylicon worked but with the recall I'm hesitant to use it now.... This also might sound hoakie, but an older friend told us to gently scrunch DD's legs up to her belly and down a few minutes after each feeding and it honestly helped -- I think it got things moving in there :) Good luck!!

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  • thank you both..i forgot about the recall with mylicon, thanks for the reminder..i think i'll skip that! :-/
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