
SO things you said before becoming a parent that you would or would not do

1. My children were not going to eat any processed foods, no Mcdonalds no fast food

2. I was going to home school 

3. They would eat healthy meals  at every meal time

4. They would not have a lot of junk and I would never give them coke

5. Kool Aid was a No No

6 I would not give in to melt downs and tantrums


Re: SO things you said before becoming a parent that you would or would not do

  • Your #6 was my biggie, and I find myself doing it a lot because of the baby.  Anything to shut the 2 year old up....
  • I only wanted "natural" toys - the wooden blocks, train sets, - nothing plastic, hated Fisher Price crap, etc. Now my house looks like a Chuck E Cheese. Totally didn't stick with that plan.

    DH was going to make baby food - never did that, too much work.

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  • 1. I would have four kids

    2. I would never co-sleep

    3. I would never dress my child in character clothing or Crocs


  • I said I would wait until she was at least 2 or 3 before flying... haha! I actually posted that on BOTB and got flamed so bad. It was actually easier when she was 4 months than at 16 months... which was so bad it really HAS made me consider not flying with her until she can sit for at least a half hour coloring or something... it's still a pain in the s$$, big time, but you do what you need to!

  • I didn't want to co-sleep, but I ate my words on that one!

    Your list is certainly my ideal, but I had spent enough time babysitting and being around my friends' and sister's babies and toddlers that I knew how they wear you down and sometimes you just do whatever it takes at the moment.

    I guess I had high hopes but low expectations for myself!  Much easier that way.  :)


  • i didn't have any nevers because i have always been around kids AND i started late, by the time i had kids i knew better. :)
    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • - I would never co-sleep

    -My kids would eat all natural only organic and never fast food

    - I would never put my child in crocs

    - My kid would never act "that" way in public

    - She would never pick out what she wanted to wear-I am in charge...right

    - They would never wear dirty clothes

    -The TV would never be a babysitter

    - The binky would be gone by 12 months

    - I would never let her watch TV in the car

    - Oh and there are probably so many more I can't think og now.

  • imageAndrewsgal:

    - I would never co-sleep

    -My kids would eat all natural only organic and never fast food

    - I would never put my child in crocs

    - My kid would never act "that" way in public

    - She would never pick out what she wanted to wear-I am in charge...right

    - They would never wear dirty clothes

    -The TV would never be a babysitter

    - The binky would be gone by 12 months

    - I would never let her watch TV in the car

    - Oh and there are probably so many more I can't think og now.


    I was so on the tv in the car thing, at least NOT when we were just going to church etc, it is on every time we get in the car.


    oh and the dressing thing, I would dress them, no questions asked.

    tell that to Kalie Rose.

  • LOL, I guess I was clueless.  I didn't really have any parenting plans.

    My only one was character clothing.  And, the only character clothes she has are ones that have been given to her (except for 1 t-shirt DH insisted on buying her at Sesame Place last year).  Although, I did get her Dora sheets when we transitioned from the crib.

    I knew that I would give in to tantrums, let her watch tv, eventually give her junk food, etc.  Those just aren't priorities for me, I guess.

    I do expect her to say "please/thank you" and she does get corrected and get time outs.  But, those were all things that developed as she got older.

    I think the only other pre-baby vow I had was that I was going to try to BF, but I said that if it didn't work that I was perfectly OK with that since both DH and I had been formula fed.  Until we were struggling and pedi had us supplement and I cried giving her a bottle and felt like a failure.  But, I blame that on hormones.

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