
How do you get them to poop on the potty?

We are halfway through our second week pting. Some days she does amazing and others she has no idea what she is doing and pees through everything. DH told her that he would buy her a bike if she pooped on the potty, is bribing the wrong approach to get her to poop?


Re: How do you get them to poop on the potty?

  • No, bribing is good!  

    For my DD sitting with her and reading her a book ?(or 10) helped. Or she'd read on her own. It seems when they start, they need longer periods of sitting there for poop.

  • Oh dear God, I have no idea. I can't even get her to poop, PERIOD. It's maddening.
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  • I wouldn't bribe with big things like bikes because then the little rewards like stickers and such won't mean diddly squat. That said, I don't see anything wrong with giving a reward or incentive--like stickers, SMALL toys like rubber balls, etc. Think less than a dollar.

    It's perfectly normal for them to be apprehensive about it. With my dd, we told her that if she wasn't ready to go poop on the potty that it was fine but we'd have to put her back in diapers and send back her undies (she was in love with the pile of princess panties we got her) until she was ready. We were very matter of fact, we didn't make her feel like a failure we just said it like that's how it is. You can't wear special undies if you can't go poops on the potty. She got that and tried her best. a few times she pooped in her pants but then recognized the sensation and started going on the potty. Don't worry. It'll come so to speak!

    ETA: Actually if you want to reward her overall ability to be pottytrained with a bike I think that would be a great incentive. Like if she makes it for X amount of time w/o pooping/peeing (whatever you deem successful) then she gets rewarded with the bike. but for the one time pooping on the potty IMO a bike is too much.

  • I can't even get DS to pee on the potty!  He has no clue that is what you are supposed to do on the potty.  I give up for now.
    Liam is 5!
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  • imagestacynikki:
    I can't even get DS to pee on the potty!  He has no clue that is what you are supposed to do on the potty.  I give up for now.

    I refuse to give up because they stopped making the diapers that I like!

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