TTC after 35

HSG Test = Horrible for me

I went for my HSG test yesterday and it was horrible!

I kept reading and hearing from people that this test is not painful unless your tubes are blocked and you will only experience some cramping. Well, it was the most pain I ever felt and my tubes are clear!!

I still feel a little traumatized today. You may call me a baby or maybe I don't tolerate pain as well as I thought I could, but I will never ever go for that test again.

First of all, nobody told me they would put a clamp on my cervic! Yikes , that hurt enough and the doctor even told me that was the worst of it. But no, that was not the case at all!! A minute later after injecting the dye, I felt the worst pain I ever felt in my life, two times in a row. (granted I never gave birth or broke anything so I don't have a lot to compare it to) I actually yelled "IT HURTS"!

It was kind of embarressing that I yelled but I was not expecting that much pain at all. The doctor told me it hurt when the dye spilled out but everything looked fine and clear. I  actually cried right after, a mixture of shock from the pain, embarressment and relief.

I took mortin before but I guess it didn't help. 

I just wanted to post this to be able to tell someone other than my DH. I feel alittle better being able to post.

I know some people don't feel so much pain for this test but I guess I wasn't one of the lucky ones.


image Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: HSG Test = Horrible for me

  • I'm sorry you had a bad time.  But Yay that your tubes are clear!  GL, BFP may be right around the corner!
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  • I'm sorry your experience was bad.  I worry that I might have to have that done one day...I'm not a fan of things have the potential to be painful.

    On the bright side, it's over and your tubes are good and clear! Smile


    I  actually cried right after, a mixture of shock from the pain, embarressment and relief.

    I felt the same exact way after I have a coloposcy done when I was in my early 20's.  They also took a clamp to get a hold of my cervix and the nurse said to me 'this will hurt like bad menstrual cramps'.  My asss!!! I almost jumped off the table it hurt so bad. After I was in the elevator and my mom was asking me how it was. I couldn't even speak and had tears streaming down my face.


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  • QE2QE2 member
    Sorry your HSG was so painful, but it's good to know that your tubes are clear!
    TTC since 3/08 DOR, High FSH, Hypothyroid, Uterine Polyps, blocked tube, MFI, 5 rounds of clomid, 5 IVF attempts, 2 hysteroscopies, 2 natural conceptions=2 losses (Methotrexate, D&C) Successful DE cycle twins born 10/7/11 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am sorry to hear that it was so painful for you! I admit mine wasn't comfortable, but it didn't hurt either. I wish your experience had been a lot better! At least it's over and you know your tubes are clear and you don't have to do it again!
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  • Great news the tubes are clear! Sorry it was so painful. Mine was excrutiating!  Good luck!
  • Sorry, it was so bad. That sounds awful. Mine was painful but not that bad.

    At least now you have nice clean tubes to carry the egg to its destination.

  • I'm so sorry.  I hope you can take some time this weekend to recover.  At least the test was normal and you won't have to have it repeated!  My test wasn't quite normal (uterine shape was funny) and I might have to have it done again.  UGH!

    For anyone else that might be reading this in preparation for an HSG, I really think everyone should take some kind of strong painkiller before and HSG.  I took some painkillers I had left over from my d&c - I took them and I did just fine during the HSG.  (FWIW)

    TTC Since 2007 M/C survivor twice in 2008 IVF twice at CCRM in 2009 TWIN BOYS born in July 2010 IVF again in 2011 BABY GIRL due August 2012
  • When my mom had this done (back in the 70's), they inserted the dye without warming it first. ?My mom said it was just about the worst pain she has ever felt.

    I'm hoping I won't need an HSG, my second round of RPL testing will start in May.?

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  • I'm fairly new to the site, I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience.  My Dr. said everyone has a different experience.  After the worst, the wonderful thing is that everything is clear.  My Dr. gave me the option of taking a Darvocet which I graciously accepted.  I'm a wimp when it comes to pain.  I agree with a prior post that a stronger pain reliever really helps.  At least to take the majority of the edge off....
  • Kittycat196...I sent you a PM about two days ago about your post.

    Sorry, for your awful experience too.  Just wanted to say that I totally agree with you about the pain and trauma with the HSG...for me it was a "horrible situation guaranteed"...and that is without exaggeration.   Of course my dh wanted to come with me (just in case I shouldn't drive alone) but I didn't think it was necessary since he would have to take the day off....and I know we will need the time for both of us at some point.  Plus, I was off from work that day.  Looking back it wouldn't have made a difference if he were there....since it was the procedure itself...not the driving back home that was horrible.

    For me the dr. had trouble with the left tube and recommended that I come back the next day for the other dr. to try.  The right tube was better than the left but it was still difficult....and she spent most of the time trying to open the left tube.  Also, my cervix was really tight...and I think they dilated me...idk. I took Tynelol Extra Strength...but it did not help:(!  I cried most of the procedure...and I am not a wimp by any means.  No, the procedure did not take 15-20 mins either.

    I went back the next day for the other dr...and although I was told it would n't be as bad but I was still traumatized...except this time instead of begging the dr. to the day before....I "yelled" it is painful many times and still cried throughout the procedure.  This time the procedure took 15-20 mins.  Oh, I took 2 Tynelol with codeine before the procedure.  I think it helped me to be a bit calmer...but the pain for me was still very real.

    Now both tubes are clear....truly a horrible situation for me...hopefully not for the rest of you.


    GL everyone!




  • Hi Marrie, I did not get your pm sorry. Unless I am not looking for it in the proper place? I am sorry it was so awful for you. I totaly agree that pain killers should be used not otc tylenol or motrin. I can't believe you had the strengh to go back again!  That is something to be proud of! GL!
    image Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I had an HSG done last August and it was just as horrible for me too. I didn't feel the clamp (not sure if the doc even used one), but I definitely had pain the minute she inserted the catheter through my cervix and it lasted the whole time and got worse with the dye. It felt like one, long horrible menstrual cramp. Maybe I'm lucky but I've never felt menstrual cramps that painful. I guess I should get ready for worse pain than that now that I'm pregnant, but at least with labor you get a baby in the end. The good news about the HSG was that the pain stopped immediately when the catheter was out and my tubes were nice and open. And I didn't really spot much afterwards either but I felt my uterus was sore for about a week after.

    I got pregnant a few months after that so who knows if the HSG opened things up in there. It's good that you had good results, one less thing to worry about :)

    Me: 44 DH: 42. DS born healthy at 40 weeks 8/24/09. TTC since then with no luck or ART. Surprise BFP 8/6/14... MMC @ 8 weeks 4 days... Miss you everyday sweet baby angel.
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