I am going back to school full time next year.
I need to grow up.
I am going into pediatrics.
I will follow through this time
I will score higher than a 28 on my MCAT
I will focus on my future.
I will lay off the coffee because now I have the jitters.
phew. I feel better.
Re: Sooooooooooooooooooooo
I agree 100% lol
Thanks Ladies!
I figure I should use this time while the kids are still young to pursue what I wanted when I was much younger.
I have the time (okay no time but I will make some) and resources. I need to take advantage of that.
Good luck and congrats.
I'm going through a similar mindset right now.
Congrats and good luck!
I've been wanting to do the same for some time but Its nearle impossible...although nothing is impossible.
DH and I had a long talk last night about the future.
I am 100% sure that if I had had him in my life to focus more when I was younger that I would have finished college.
I was on the way to getting my BA when I got pg with Miles and I just quit. I never looked back and that was stupid.
My sister made a comment about a friend of ours last night
"Hell if I SAH for 6 years, I would have had a medical degree by now".
Granted I haven't been home that long and I am not an unwed mother living with her parent's and have all the time in the world because my 12 year old is in school... but still. It made me think.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Good luck!
Now are you saying you are going back with the goal of becoming an MD? I'm working towards a master's in nursing right now. I guess I'll be the only Debbie Downer in this post. I watched a documentary on PBS last week and this week that followed 8 doctors through med school and into their internships. Then it followed up 21 years later to see how their lives turned out. It was a huge eye opener for me. I would suggest watching it. It made me sooo glad that I decided to do nursing instead of going to med school. It was a Nova program called "Doctor's Diaries."
But you are a sewing artist! How is that not grown up?
That's exciting anyway- I am sure you will do great!