
When did you start to give them other liquids?

The sippy cup post reminded me to ask.... when did you start with the sippy cup and what did you put in it?  We were going to start giving it to them to get use to it and wasn't sure what to put in it... do you put a little of their formula?


Re: When did you start to give them other liquids?

  • I did maybe a month ago, with just water to get them used to the sippy cup, so far not much luck though on that front, they are totally not interested.
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  • when i first started sippy cups around 7mos with DS i just put water in them- it was more for him to play around with and get comfortable with.

    then around 10mos i started to give him his am "bottle" in a sippy cup- b/c that was when he was most hungry/thirsty so i knew he'd take it..

    slowly I replaced his regular formula bottles with sippy cups- so that by 12mos he was on all sippies - his night time bottle being the last one that we changed.

    We also used Nuby sippies to transition- b/c they are similar to bottle nipples- and then after he was on all Nuby sippies- we slowly transitioned in "real" sippie cups with hard spouts.  (our pedi does not consider the Nubys to be 'real' sippies b/c they are so soft like a nipple)

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  • we started giving them one to play with at around 10 months. they didn't really get it right away. just put water in it at first. i didn't want them to associate formula with the sippy cups.
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  • At around 7 or 8 months we started leaving sippies with water in them out for the day that the trio could practice on and play with and get used to.  HOWEVER, when it came time to quit bottles (at 13 months) we went cold turkey and it was 2 weeks that I let Nora go thirsty before I finally caved in and gave her a bottle back, and 12 different sippy cups before I found one that everyone liked - UGH!!!  LOL!  My kids don't drink juice at all; mostly b/c they don't need it so I don't want to get them used to drinking it, and partly b/c they don't like it (which might be b/c they've never had it before but hey, even better, IMO!).


  • I gave water in their sippy cups around 7 months.
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