
My preemie isn't doing well...

I have posted here before but I usually post on SAIF   ON of my twins has been home for 2 weeks but the other one isn't dong well. (DYlan).  He was supposed to come on FRiday but had a horrible episode last night and had to be recesistated.

If he ever comes home, I am going to be absolutely terrfied.  He will be on a monitor but stilll.  HE need heart medicene every 4 hours and with twins , I'm terrified Im gong to make a mistake in the middde of the night when Im exhausted.  I don't know how I am gong to do this.

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Re: My preemie isn't doing well...

  • You're in my prayers!!
  • You're mommy instincts will kick in to even higher gear when they are home together and you will work out a system to make sure you don't give any meds by error.  I hope he's doing better and comes home very soon.
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  • I am sorry that you are going through all this... as a mommy you will figure it out, whatever works best for you.  You can do it... you will amaze yourself how strong you are.... look at how much you have already handled!  You will make it and you and your boys will be stronger and closer because of all your hard work!
  • You can do this. and you will do great.. there are a few easy things to do so that you can keep track. I had a spread sheet that I used when my kids came home from the hospital.


    this is similar to what I had



    this comes in helpful for doctors appointments as well. Take them along to answer all those questions, how many bms a day, how much do they eat etc.


    here is the actual one that I had




  • I'm sorry you are going through this. First, please be positive. He will come home, he will be ok. Second, I'm sure all moms who's babies come home on monitors are terrified. You have lots of support and success stories here. Will your insurance cover a home health nurse for any period of time to help you adjust? My DS came home with no equipment and our insurance covered visits every other day. You should also take up offers for help when they are offered. The more help you have (especially at night) the first few weeks, the better off you will be.

    Good luck and keep us posted. You can do it!!


  • Cassidy came home after Dylan and her setbacks were scary. ?She turned blue and purple in front of me and needed to be "bagged" by the nicu nurses in front of me. ?it was terrifying. ?i was shaken to the core. ?i thought "what in the name of christ did i sign up for when i wanted to be a parent?". ?Dylan brady'd twice at home and i was even more scared. ?Looking back, i am so very proud of the parent i am...and i am amazed at the strength of my children. ?You will be ok. ?Your babies will be okay. ?Take is one feeding at a time. ?Every day they get older...remind yourself of that. ?I truly feel that the older they get the easier it gets. ?My email is ?Please feel free to email me...i've "been there, done that" and i can be a shoulder to cry on, an ear to scream to, someone to vent to...

    sending lots of prayers...?


  • Hi there

    I know how you feel....I have twin girls and one was in the hospital 3 weeks after the first one came home...she has multiple health issues...had a tef repair....she has congenital heart defects.kidneys problems and the list goes on....I was terrified when she came home and went back to the hospital several times...mostly for nothing, will get more comfortable as time passes and your comfort level will only get better and better with time!! You will have the mommy instincts and won't mess up his medicine..hang In there will be okay!!! I pray your sweet lo will be okay and will be able to come home with you when he is ready!!

  • I am so sorry that you are in one of those NICU lows right now.  But I agree with the PP ... Dylan will improve over time and the scary episodes will eventually pass.  They won't let him come home until he is ready, and no matter how unprepared you might feel for that day ... once it comes you will do what you have to do to make it work.  That is just part of being a Mom and part of the strength that comes from going through the NICU experience.  You can handle more than you ever imagined possible. 

    I hope that Dylan has his "lightbulb moment" soon and you have both of your little ones at home together soon ... giving you much joy and happiness and making the NICU seem like a far away place and time.

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