
Someone comment please!!!!!!!

TIA!  :)

I'm collecting opinions!  ;)

Re: Someone comment please!!!!!!!

  • I didn't comment because all I can think is that it is a VERY tough decision to make. If you stay, you might regret not taking that $10K, if you leave, you may have trouble finding another job. It's hard, I don't know what to say!!

    If your boss is indeed sticking up for you, it may be worth it to stay. But do you want to be worried constantly about whether you are going to still have a job??

  • I just read the OP (just got home from the gym, and catching up from about 4 o'clock on).


    My opinion is option A.  Especially if you can cut back on some things, and live on J's salary.  The health insurance would (duh) be a biggie.  Do you think you could find something quickly?  Especially with reviews from your manager?


    Maybe have a heart-to-heart with him/her tomorrow, and go from there.  I am so sorry you are going through this; you must be sick to your stomach.

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  • I just got layed off two weeks ago. I was given a severance, but no option to stay :-(.

    I read your other post and in your position, I would take the severance and try to find myself some other job. If you stayed, you would constantly be under scrutiny and I would not be able to handle that every single day. Who is to say that you accept the proposal to stay on and then they fire you anyway - and you don't get the money that you would have been given otherwise?

  • I would take option A. I couldn't work under the conditions of option B. Good luck.
  • The benefits are what are killing us!!!  We can make everything else work (with some serious cutbacks) but we could make it work.  We wouldn't lose our vehicles or house --- and that is most important.  But to voluntarily put us in that situation, I'm not sure I can stomach that.

    Then again, I'm not sure I can stomach driving an hour to work every day wondering if they are going to fire me when I get there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Option A.
    Melanie ~Ava Grace 7.20.06 & Lila Jane 7.22.09~ m/c #3 6/18/08 image
  • First - so sorry you're going through this.  The stress must be terrible.  I hope Joe is being supportive.

    Do you trust your manager to be honest with you?  If so, I agree that you need to have a frank discussion.  She probably can't say too much - saying something like "yes, they want a reason to fire you" would open the company up to a lawsuit, but hopefully she'll say enough for you to read between the lines.

    If you like and want the job and your manager gives you some assurance they are sincere about wanting to keep you, it's worth trying.

    If you get the vibe that the next time you're 2 minutes late to meeting you'll be fired, take the money and run.  So many people are being laid off right now due to the economy that it won't look horrible on your resume.

    Also, if employees are fired, employers can contest unemployment claims.

    Good luck!

  • Option A. Do you think you can cut back?
  • First of all, I am so sorry.  That really sucks.  I would agree with some pp and sit down with your manager and see what you can gather from the conversation.  I would hope you would be clued in in some way.  If you feel like they want you out then take the money and run.  If a company wants someone out, they will find a way.


  • I haven't commented yet because I would be completely torn. I'd hate to stay and feel like I could be fired at any moment. But I also DESPISE job hunting even in the best job markets, not to mention the poopiness going on now, and we couldn't afford to live on just DH's salary. So that's really a tough one.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Man, I guess it's the benefits that would really kill you. I don't know. That's really, really tough. I'm sorry. I'm no help at all.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Joe has been surprisingly supportive.

    We just don't know which way to go --- and that's due to the unknowns on both sides.

    I seriously keep going back and forth. 

    Now Joe wants me to take the lay off.  I just don't know.

  • What would your options be for temporary insurance while you're unemployed? How much would it be to COBRA your current plan, or is there something else out there you could use (some kind of low-cost option) for now?

    Maybe you could use the $10K toward COBRAing your insurance since you can squeak by on Joe's salary.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • EMTEMT member

    Isn't Obama cutting the price of Cobra to be ~1/3 of what you'd normally pay?

    Honestly, J&J, you and Joe will have to make this decision.  Without knowing all the circumstances, it is difficult for us to say which option is better for you.

  • Look into the Cobra thing. I'm pretty sure if you are eligible for Cobra then the employer is responsible for 60%. that would be a big help right there. Think also how much you are going to save by not driving that hour, well 2 hours, every day. What is that saving in gas? Maint. on the car, lunches, daycare.  I would take A, cut back and live frugally off of that 10 grand! good luck, it's a hard decision either way.
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