Baby Names

family is making fun of baby name :(

Dh and I have had a boys name picked out since before we were married.  

We love Alexander, and calling the little one Xander.. we told relatives over easter what we will name the baby if we find out its a boy and everyone had a comment or two to say. DH is worried that ourkid will be teased in school now..

thoughts /opinions???

Re: family is making fun of baby name :(

  • Don't worry about them. If you like it, then use it.
  • I think Xander as a nn is becoming really common actually, I doubt it's anything your DS would be teased about in school.  Alexander is a great name!
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  • I loved the name Alexander before I was married. However now it is my last name.  I think you should go for it. Why would they tease him for being named Alexander or Xander?
  • If you like it, you should use it.  That is why with DD we didn't say the name until after she was born and no one could complain then :)
  • Well the good news is it will be your baby, so you and your DH get to name him. Screw what everyone else thinks. Go with what makes you happy.

    My DH and I are keeping our names to ourselves for this exact reason. I dont want to deal with hearing other peoples opinions.

  • I see nothing to tease about- (Ale)Xander is a perfectly handsome name! Go for it- who cares what they say?
  • If its a name that you and your DH both love - use it.  Don't worry - once your baby is here, your family will love them no matter what their name is. 

    BTW - I think its cute!

  • As long as you like it that is all that matters.   Although I do have to say, this is why DH and I keep the name to ourselves until the baby is born.  People will in general have less to say about names once the baby is here.
  • I don't quite understand what they're finding to make fun of.  Alexander is a perfectly good name.  Xander is one of the boy names on my list so obviously I don't see a problem with it either.
    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • If we have a boy, Alexander will be his middle name. ?I think it's a great name. ?I'm not too keen on the nn Xander though. ?That's just my opinion.
  • Ignore them. And tell your DH not to worry. Alexander is a classic name, for one thing. And I believe Xander is becoming fairly mainstream both as a nn and a stand-alone name. I heard a mother calling her little boy Xander in Old Navy just a few months ago. I didn't think it was weird at all.

    This is why we won't be sharing our names with either family.

  • This is why we haven't told any of our family or friends our name choice.  They ripped into our first choice and it was pretty hurtful (maybe necessary in our case). 

    Maybe you can say that you came up with a name but it's a secret and just keep the same name.  BTW Xander is fine and cute.

  • I had a student named Zander... (Spelled a bit different but the same) No one teased him and I like it
  • That's too bad. But, it's your baby, and if you like the name go for it.?
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  • Well, it is somewhat unusual so you have to understand that ppl, esp. older ppl, may think of it as "odd." But if you like it, go for it!
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  • I like it.  It makes me think of Vin Diesel in XXX, which is never a bad thing!
  • Tell your fam that Alexander is VERY popular (look on the ssa website, it's no. 3 in my state) and inevitably with all these little Alexanders running around, some of them will go by Xander.  It is not a weird name.  
  • My best friend's son is Alexander and they call him Xander too! I like it of course.
  • I think it's a great name
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  • I like it. It's fine.
  • I wouldn't worry too much about it!  Whether is Alexander or Paul, someone is going to find a fault in the name that you choose.  As long as you and DH are happy with your choice!
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  • They are probably just old school, Xander is becoming popular. If you like it, use it! They will just call him Alex.
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  • Alexander is a great name, but Xander is a bit weird.  Wasn't that a character on Buffy?
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  • I don't think it is strange at all. This is why I hate telling people the name. Everyone has a comment - rude or not!
  • It's my nephew's name. He's never been teased for it.
  • ohhh, they're silly.  It's just a nickname right?  his given name is Alexander!
  • i know a couple of alexanders who go by that, it's not unusual at all.
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