
Does buying kid bday gifts stress you out?

It stresses me out!  Nora's been invited to a birthday party for a classmate and I want to

-get something she doesn't already have

-get something she'll really enjoy

Since I hardly see her parents to ask them what to get, buying a gift is stressing me out! Ugh!  I have tons of ideas of things that DD loves, I'm thinking maybe play "slicing food" or the Melissa and doug sandwich set, or some other melissa and doug toy (thinking also maybe the pizza or birthday cake set)  Anyway, I'm immobilized by picking the "wrong thing"!  Talk me out of it!

Re: Does buying kid bday gifts stress you out?

  • I have fun buying gifts for our friends' kids, but DD has started to be invited to parties for kids from ballet.  And, I never know what to get because we have never been to their houses or anything!  That stresses me out!
  • If you don't have a chance to ask the parents what the child would like get something you think your child would like and just include a gift reciept in case they have it's not worth stressing out over it. 
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