
Ugh, DS being too rough with DD

Yesterday DD was in the PNP and DS decided to shake it back and forth.  He also pushed her face.  I put him in timeout and asked him if he knew what he did and he said "I push Addie eyes and nose".  Today he shuck the PNP again and she literally moved like 6 inches.  He would not stay in timeout (not yesterday either) so I put him in his room.  I told him that he could hurt her and that it would make her cry and I asked him if he knew why he was in timeout and he said "I push Addie".  He was told that he had to say sorry immediately after getting out of timeout - I told him to say "Sorry that I pushed you Addie" and he ran to her (was  upset because he could not find her because she was no longer in the PNP) and said "Sorry I hurt you Addie" and kissed her.  I have no idea what else to do.  I am waiting to receive my copy of Love and Logic.
Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08

Re: Ugh, DS being too rough with DD

  • I think you are handling it great.  I would do the same thing you are doing. 
  • We got through this every few days. Paul will just go hit Addie for no reason, if she's crying sometimes he'll go hit her, lay on top of her, etc. I put him in timeout and then DH usually has a talk w/ him when he gets home from work and then he'll be nice to her for a few days. Usually he's pretty nice to her and says :"What's my baby doing?" " I love my baby"
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  • We are going through the same thing here, only DD#1 has an issue with biting DD#2. She will act like she is going over to give her a kiss and then she'll slide #2's hand into her mouth and bite down. Or she will put her hands on #2's stomach and put all her weight on her and she sat on her one day. She also tries to bite her head. Ugh...

    I've been doing pretty much the same as you. I give #1 a time out and then have her go apologize to #2.

    I have found that if I can find something for #1 to do with #2 a couple times a day it seems to keep her more positive toward the baby. For instance, I will put the baby on the floor and have DD#1 show her her little people or read her a book. Or I will have her sit on the couch and let her hold her for a couple minutes while I sit with them.

    GL, I know it sucks. I feel so bad for #2!

    Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
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