Do you think it's too much as a middle name for Natalie, being three syllables (our last name is two syllables)? I can't seem to be able to decide on a mn. I was onto Kate yesterday and now I'm back to Anne or Elizabeth. I like Elizabeth but it's really long.
Re: Elizabeth as a middle name ...
Baking Blog
Baking Blog
I think Natalie Elizabeth sounds fine.
Can you yell it quickly for when she gets into trouble and you have to pull out the full name?
I like Natalie Elizabeth it sounds elegant for me..
Nathalie Kate it's... mmm.. the change is too drastic...
Nathalie Anne... it's too much nnnn's I think..
I think Natalie Elizabeth is a beautiful name. Not too long at all! I was almost named Katherine Elizabeth, which is almost as long!
I really don't like the trend to use a one syllable name as the default middle name. (Which is why I think posts for suggestions on middle names are silly -- all names can potentially be middle names!)
So, basically, I love Elizabeth as a middle name! Much, much, much more than Kate (which I see as a nickname) or Anne.
I am a Katherine Elizabeth. ?My maiden last name was 11 letters long. ?The long middle name was never a problem. ?It's always shortened to just the initial on forms and standardized tests.
I also like it better than Kate.?