I was 3 weeks early. My mom's water broker and they induced her, and I was not in position after all that so my mom ended up with a c/s. I was difficult from the beginning
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I was 3 days late. My mom went into labor on her own, which lasted only 3 hours! My brother was 2 days early and she was in labor with him for 2.5 hours.
Depends who you ask! I was right on time according to what the doctor had said, 3 days early according to my mom. She "changed" my due date because she liked 7/7/77 better than 7/4/77.
I was a few days early. My mom thinks that my due date was off though and that I was actually born late.
The only preemie in our family, before Reese, was my grandfather. He weighed 4 lbs when he was born. They put him in a roasting pan and stuck him in the oven to keep him warm.
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Conceived twins with IVF January 2008. Lost baby a at 20 1/2 weeks due to premature rupture of membranes and held onto baby b. Baby b (Brandon) born at 26 weeks and 1 day on July 5, 2008. Wesley born full term on June 29, 2011.
My blog http://karenandstu.blogspot.com
Re: POLL: s/o from SAIF- Your Birth
I was 3 weeks early. My mom's water broker and they induced her, and I was not in position after all that so my mom ended up with a c/s. I was difficult from the beginning
3 days late.
Interestingly, though, both my father and DH's father were preemies.
I was born at 42 weeks exactly - though they weren't as good at dating pregnancies back then, so I may not have been quite that late.
My mom's mom was a preemie, however.
Depends who you ask! I was right on time according to what the doctor had said, 3 days early according to my mom. She "changed" my due date because she liked 7/7/77 better than 7/4/77.
DS original due date was 7/7 was well!
I was a few days early. My mom thinks that my due date was off though and that I was actually born late.
The only preemie in our family, before Reese, was my grandfather. He weighed 4 lbs when he was born. They put him in a roasting pan and stuck him in the oven to keep him warm.
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