
Plz help w/ bday food question...

My DD is turning 1 next week, so we are celebrating this weekend since both of our families are from out of town.  Since it will be at our home, I scheduled it for 3pm since I know my 2 1/2 yo DS will be sure to be awake from nap by then.  So, we're not serving lunch and it's too early really for dinner ... there are a couple of cousins and friends' kids who are 5-8 yr range coming too ...
any ideas on what to serve with cupcakes and ice cream?  I feel like I should have some other food available, but really drawing a blank on some fun appetizers. thx!

Re: Plz help w/ bday food question...

  • Pigs in a blanket?  I think most kids love those.

    You could do a fruit tray and a veggie tray as well.   

    Big Brother Logan Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Baby Miles Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Bryan Smith - Freelance Photography Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • fruit tray, veggie tray, chips and dip, salsa, the pigs in a blanket were a good idea too.  pretzels. I don't know, for some reason all I can come up with is junk food!
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