
EXL311 - you here?

Sorry I left earlier and didn't get to your questions...

If you're not overseeding you don't really need to water your grass between Oct and April.  At all.  Then in the spring water 3 times a week for about 12 minutes.  In the summer you can water every day.  Thats probably why you've got weeds. We use roundup for weeds in the rocks and pull the ones in the grass by hand.  You can get good roundup at HomeDepot, etc, but you can buy the commercial strength stuff at commercial landscape distributors. Its just more expensive.

Re: EXL311 - you here?

  • No problem and thanks for the help!  Not being from AZ the whole trying to keep grass growing thing was new to me.  I will let my husband know and see if he can figure out how to reset the watering thing.  Meanwhile I guess I will have to go pull those weeds out.  My husband got some kind of weed killer but don't remember what kind.  He got the ones out of the rocks in the front but we haven't worried about the back yet.  Today is my birthday though so it's going to have to wait until at least tomorrow. Wink
    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
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