
May be joining soon :(

I have gallstones (30+) , gallbladder infection, and thicking of the gallbladder wall.  I had my first attack about 3 wks ago.  I had another attack yesterday wich landed me in the hospital again.  My doc is wanting to just get me to 36wks but everytime I eat im in pain.  I call my doc and she is gone till wed.  Im not really sure what they are going to do but I would like to know what I can do... Can I ask her for a steroid shot?  I have a feeling im not going to make it another 3 wks ( im trying really had to go as long as possible!!!).  Any suggestions ?

Also Im looking into switching docs... my doc doesnt seem to listen to my concerns very well( she is part time)

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Re: May be joining soon :(

  • I would switch docs ASAP and then demand to speak with a Perineonatologist Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist (that's a Peri MFM for short).  They are high risk docs that take the most severe of cases and whom the OB should deffer to in cases of prematurity where you know that there is a chance of early delivery because they are a higher level of doctor who can tell you better the risks for you and your baby on any subject better than a standard OB. And you should speak with a surgeon who does gallbladder removal ASAP and have them consult with the Peri MFM doc.  You should absolutely do everything in your power to safely avoid delivering early.

    There is a lady who belongs to my local Mom's of Multiples club who had her gallbladder removed at 26weeks and was able to deliver her twins at a healthy 38weeks.  I know for a fact you don't need to deliver to have your gallbladder removed.

    I had my gallbladder removed about 7mos after I had my twins.  It was not the reason for their early delivery but I do know that pregnancy often causes gallbladder failiure and infection can be very serious and happen very quickly.  The pain from the gallstones is excrutiating.  Once the gallbladder starts to fail there is no healing or repair possible, and eventually you will either learn to live with it or have it removed.

    Do you know what your trigger foods are yet? If they have given you the pain meds have you discussed the effects of this on your baby with your OB?  Has your OB discussed with you what would happen if you had to have an emergency surgery for removal of the gallbladder?  If not, find another doc ASAP.

    Good luck!


  • I am sorry and I truly hope that yo do not have to join us but in the meantime, you are welcome to come here and ask questions or update us on how you are doing.


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  • I have spoken with the surgeon already.. they will do surgery the day after I have my baby.  Im on a very low fat diet... NO fatty or greasy food!  No pain meds either since its not good for me to take them that long( otc doesnt work).  I have been in lots of pain today and call the doc ( she is out till wed) and they Emailed her to see what they can do and all she wrote back was to avoid fatty foods!  IM ALREADY DOING THAT LADY!!!! It like im on my own till I get to 36wks. 

    Also I was wondering about the shots?  Since we know I will be induced at 36 wks should I ask about getting the steriods? 

    I talked to the surgeon and they are avoiding surgery since baby is in the way... they said they wont do it past the third tri.

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  • *Someone correct me here if I'm wrong, my Preemies book is in the babies room and I'm not bout to wake them up right now. 

    The steroid shots are not effective once you are past (I think) 32 weeks gestation because the baby should already have developed enough surfactant in its lungs and start "breathing" in utero around 28 weeks or so.  You can have up to two rounds of steroid shots (two shots in one round) the second round given no earlier than two weeks after the first round. The more time you have on the steroids, even 48 hours, the better.

    You should demand to speak with another OB and request the shots incase you have a serious infection that requires emergency surgery.  Timing is everything with the steroid shots and the sooner you get them the better odds the baby has, though it's no gauruntee that the baby will not have breathing issues.  They may have reasons not to give it to you but I don't see why not and they need to tell you what those are.  I would also suggest you take a tour of your hosptial soon and know what level NICU they have just for the peace of mind.

  • Is it odd my nurse mentioned the shots and the doc has NEVER said anything about them?  Who should I ask to be moved to?  Is there a special type of ob I should be looking for?
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  • It is odd, but not if the Dr thinks you aren't a candidate for the shots because you are further along gestationally.  The specialist OB is the Peri MFM and you should ask if they can refer you to one, or at least another Dr in the same practice for a more immediate response.  They will likely do an u/s to see how the baby is breathing in utero if they haven't checked recently already.  If they see it breathing well then they may not give you the shots. 

    But I'm not a doctor, though I spent an whole lot of time with my Peri for my entire pregnancy.  I have maybe close to 70 or 80 u/s pics half of them are the 3D kind for free as a frequent flyer in his office, got to know his wife and college age sons, that's how much time I spent with him.  Those are the things we looked for on a daily basis and it was fascinating to watch happen.

    Good luck, let us know what happens.

  • They just did a U/S on the 4th (almost 10 days ago).   He was measuring 34wks at the u/s.  He guessed weight was 5lbs 1oz.  They did it to see how big he is since im measuring bigger.  She didnt mention checking any breathing?  Is it hard to switch docs?  Do I need to have a peri if im induced at 36wks?

     Thanks for answering  my questions.. Im just trying to keep him in as long as possible!! 

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  • You dont need a peri if you are being induced, the peri is important because  it's the question of why you're being induced so early and what condition is the baby in for this surprise eviction from its happy home.  It seems you have a lot of info that they haven't discussed with you, such as risks and possible outcomes that are extremely important for you to know.

    I have no idea how difficult it is to change docs, but I'm guessing if you are changing within the practic it shouldnt be difficult.  You need to have a "come to Jesus" talk with at least some OB to know exactly what to expect and what they feel your odds are on this.  I'd be livid. 

  • I feel like my doc isnt telling me anything I need to know!!!  I feel out of the loop!!

    I will call the office tomorrow.  Thanks again Istaylor!  You have been such a great help!!

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  • i am sorry that you are going through all this.... I would switch Docs right away so you can get the answers that you need.  My water broke on Baby A at 33 weeks 6 days and they gave me a steroid shot when I went into the hospital.... they tried to hold me off for 24 hours so that I could have the 2nd shot.  I did not make it for the second shot and my babies were born relatively healthy.   Bella only needed oxygen for one night and Jack never needed it.... they were both around 4 1/2 lbs.  I would talk to your doc about it as soon as you can...  I think if they are planning on inducing you at 36 weeks you will not need the shots.   Butit never hurts to ask. ... best wishes and keep us updated!
  • You might want to look into Midwest Perinatal. I know they have an office at Overland Park Regional, I think they also have a practice in Kansas City. Your doc should be more on top of things. Take care!!
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