
Heart murmur?

Our girls had a really rough night last night so they ordered cranial ultrasounds and echos for both girls ASAP.  Luckily both cranial ultrasounds came back clear but it looks like both of our girls have moderate heart murmurs.  I know this is pretty common, especially for their gestation but I'm freaking out.  They are starting them on meds to close them, will do 2 courses and if that doesn't work they will talk about sending them to Children's for surgery... does anyone have any expereince they can share about their baby's heart murmur?  Good or bad, I want to be prepared.  TIA.

Re: Heart murmur?

  • Is it a PDA? Max had one... he had 2 or 3 rounds of meds to try and close it... it improved, but didn't close completely. They decided to just keep an eye on it... finally, at an appointment. it was gone!

    I think he was about 6 months actual (3 mo. adjusted) when we finally got the all clear on it.

  • It is a PDA.  It didn't sound like they would want to watch it if it didn't close, but maybe they will if it improves significantly. I feel like something new is coming at me everyday and it's a lot to take in. 
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  • Robbie's closed after one round of meds..
  • Brandon's PDA closed after 1 round of medicine.
    Conceived twins with IVF January 2008. Lost baby a at 20 1/2 weeks due to premature rupture of membranes and held onto baby b. Baby b (Brandon) born at 26 weeks and 1 day on July 5, 2008. Wesley born full term on June 29, 2011. My blog Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image
  • DS has a murmur. It wasn't discovered in the NICU, but his pedi picked it up at his 3 month appointment. They sent us to a cardiologist. He said DS had a small hole and that it would close up on it's own. They sent us home and had us come back in 5 months. Five months later, the hole was closed but they didn't like the pressure on the right side so they sent us home and told us to come back in a few months. We went back and they said he had a PDA. He said for us to go home and come back in 5 more months. We haven't had that appointment yet. Hopefully, we'll get the "all clear" when we go back. Murmurs are very, very common in preemies. Please try not to worry!
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  • My DS had a PDA.  He had surgery to close it (they didn't try medicine) and it went very well.  His oxygen levels and blood pressure improved immediately.  
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • Brenden had the PDA not closed when he was born.  We had to go through 2 rounds of the medication for it to close.  Each round was 3 days of medication.  I was told that most of the time it closes after the second round.
  • My DD was born at 25 weeks, and she did not adequately respond to two rounds of the medication to close her PDA.  She had surgery on her four-week birthday and it was surprisingly uneventful.  There was only a small incision between her ribs on her back, on the left side.  Immediately following the surgery she would have recovered had we not discovered that she had NEC and went into surgery, again, 4 days later.  The PDA ligation was very low key, comparatively.  :)  Good luck to you and your girls.  I hope that the mediation works for you guys. 
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