Our girls had a really rough night last night so they ordered cranial ultrasounds and echos for both girls ASAP. Luckily both cranial ultrasounds came back clear but it looks like both of our girls have moderate heart murmurs. I know this is pretty common, especially for their gestation but I'm freaking out. They are starting them on meds to close them, will do 2 courses and if that doesn't work they will talk about sending them to Children's for surgery... does anyone have any expereince they can share about their baby's heart murmur? Good or bad, I want to be prepared. TIA.
Re: Heart murmur?
Is it a PDA? Max had one... he had 2 or 3 rounds of meds to try and close it... it improved, but didn't close completely. They decided to just keep an eye on it... finally, at an appointment. it was gone!
I think he was about 6 months actual (3 mo. adjusted) when we finally got the all clear on it.
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