
Rapid Eye Blinking in Kids?

For 4 days now, Henry has been blinking is eyes A LOT, almost like when he is getting ready to nod-off, but he is doing it all day long, from wake-up to bedtime he is blinking. Everyone noticed it at Easter, and I felt bad for the little man.

I of course googled it and it seems like it is pretty common in toddlers and more common in boys, and is referred to as a ?transient tic" that resolves on its own.

I have a call into our Ped to have him seen just to rule out an eye issue, but has anyone else?s DC done this? How long did it stick around if it was just a "tic"?

Re: Rapid Eye Blinking in Kids?

  • I don't know about children, but I've heard that rapid blinking is a sign of stress.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • My 2.5 year old son does it.  It seems to be getting less frequent the past few weeks.  It doesn't seem to bother him at all, he just blinks a lot.  I figure if he is still doing it at his upcoming 3 year old check up, I will ask the doc about it.
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