Question 1 - My Ob/Gyn says I can deliver at Newton-Wellesley Hospital as long as I can get to 34 weeks, If I go before that we'd have to go to Brigham and Womens for the neonatal unit.
*Where did you deliver your multiples? How was your experience? (sorry really 2 questions)
Question 2 - My Ob/Gyn is always comparing me to a singleton pregnancy, I'm considering finding an Ob/Gyn more experienced with twins.
*Are there any ways of finding an Ob/Gyn that specializes in multiples in/around Boston?
Thanks for the help!!!!!
Re: Boston MoMs - 2 Questions...
We live north of Boston, almost NH. When I went into PTL, we were shipped to Beth Isreal twice. If we had to deliver there, we were comfortable with their doctors and unit. We had the opportunity to tour their NICU as well. Their NICU is, I believe a level 3 (I forget which way the #'s go). When we were there, there was a set of twins born at 31 weeks, which was nice for us to see since that is where we were at.
Unfortunately, I am not sure how to find an OB that specializes in twins. Sorry!
I delivered at Mass General. Good experience but I was also lucky - I didn't have any major issues with my triplet pregnancy. One of my girls has spina bifida and had to have surgery within hours of her birth to close her spine and another surgery a week later. I thought the NICU was great.
I have heard good things about Newton-Wellesley H but I think I would be afraid to deliver twins there even past 34 weeks.
The doctors at Mass General are Mass General doctors - they don't have their own practice. What I liked is that if I was having any type of issue at all, they would call it in to Labor and Delivery and I would go there to get checked out or rehydrated - not some ER. My doctor was Michael Greene - he's considered a high risk doctor there.
I am on the South Shore and delivered at South Shore Hospital at 35w 2d. I had an excellent experience and never doubted the quality of care for me or for the babies. Both babies were in the special care nursery for a while. Jack went home at 7 days old and at 10 days ended up back in the NICU because he had RSV, and they took great care of him. My singleton DD was also in the NICU because of a neo-natal stroke and we thought they were amazing.
My OB did not specialize in multiples, but I love him anyway. He also referred me to MFM at SSH and I saw them throughout the pregnancy in conjunction with my regular OB. HTH!
I live in Waltham. My OB was based in Newton-Well hospital. They have level 2 nicu. She said that if i went into preterm labor before 32 weeks, i'd be told to go to the Brigham instead. I felt comfortable enough with that plan, and driving to NW was a lot easier for me for my frequent check-ups. My OB referred me to see the maternal -fetal specialist a few times during my pregnancy to follow-up on issues that came up. I was very comfortable with her experiences with twins (in Bostn area, most OBs see lots of twin pregancies) and with how things were going .
I was advised by my sister and another MoM that i should find an OB based in a Boston hopsital that had a level 3 nicu. But because i was comfy with the fact that i would get sent to such a hospital to deliver if i went into preterm labor, i didn't switch OBs when i found out i had twins.
Well, at 28 weeks 5 days, I had some spotting, and went to NW to get checked on. The on call OB there did an internal and said that it did not look like i was in trouble (my cervix was long and closed). 15 minutes after that exam, waiting for results of the fibrinechtin (sp?) test, i had severe pain and the dumb ass nurse there did not realize what was going on. . .10 minutes later, with only my husband and me in an antelabor room, Baby A startd to come out. I had an emergency c-section there 10 minutes later for Baby B. They were transferred to Children's a few hours later, and i stayed at NW to make sure i was oK until the following day, when they were able to et me a bed at the Brigham so that i could be closer to them while recovering. THANK GOD they had a bed for me at the Brigham. Yes, the rooms there are smaller and less comfy for DH, but the nurses there were SO MUCH better IMO.
Suffice it to say, that plan to be sent to a hospital with a level 3 nicu did not have a chance with me, since i did not "go" into preterm labor - i just kinda had the babies. Yes, driving to Boston to see my OB every week would have been a pain, but that first day without them, and the ambulance ride from hell i had on Marathon monday 2008 to get from NW to Brigham to see them were so freaking unbelievably difficut.
Long story, but as i was in your shoes, and if i could go back, i'd do it different and start at the Brigham.
My birth story was extremely unusual, but in any case, may have been easier had i been in the same hospital as they were from day 1.
10 days after Chldren's, they were sent back to NW's nicu, where they stayed another 46 days. They are doing fine now.