just wondering because you "came back" as yourself right after the Mrs.C thing went down.
Your original name (mrsbroussard2b) was very similar to mrsc's name (i.e. mrs lastname 2b)
and you both have a ton of drama in your lives.
plus I can't figure out if you are from vegas, mississippi, the new england area, or where. You seem to be all over the place.
Re: TwoChickens--were you MrsC???
really?? That's exactly why I CAN see her doing it....she's done similar before. She definately loves attention.
I can vouch that she lives in MS. ?I've heard MS called "the dirty vegas." ? For some reason people call towns in the South dirty and some form of vegas--
Montgomery- the dirty gump
Prattville- p vegas
Huntsville- h vegas
don't ask?
Hey, I could be wrong...I've made wrong accusations before (ask kitty..she may still be mad at me)....but just wondering....
As in going along with xbg about me being mamamia...i'll always be mad about that until you can say you know it is not me and/or out the real one. I know that if I ever find out who it actually is, it will be the mother of all nest call outs and it will go down greater than mamarazzi's mrsc2b call out and sulla's dead six year old with cancer call out.
True, but her posting methods stayed the same when she was broussard, lpff, and now her new one. I just think it would be more obvious. But, anything's possible.
Belle204, BVHCPA, Emmiegirl77 and I have all met her. ?She's a sweet girl and she is IRL what she is on the nest (a good crazy- hopefully that is not offensive to her)?
No. And the city I live in is nicknamed Starkvegas. Its really Starkville. I've lived here for a while...